Hutchison Quantum Sailing

Terry Hutchison with Quantum Sailing

Terry Hutchison with Quantum Sailing


Terry Hutchinson is an American sailor, world champion in different classes like TP52, Farr 40, J/24 and others. He was named the Rolex Yachtsman of the Year in 2008 and 2014. He participated in several years of the America’s Cup in different teams, such as the Emirates Team New Zealand, America One, Stars & Stripes and Artemis Racing.
Since 2014 Terry is the executive vice president for business development worldwide at Quantum Sails. He continues to be a tactician for Quantum Racing as well, besides his corporate responsibilities. Since 2008, he has been both the helmsman and tactician on the TP52 Quantum Racing and won three world championships and three circuit championships. We asked him several questions about the current America’s Cup, future of the sailing industry and his secret of victory.
In this email, you can find some pieces of the interview, for the full version go to our website!

– Almost all your teams are winning, what is your secret?
– What is our secret… honestly, I have no idea (laughs). The true is that the secret is the hard work. Also, I think a part of our secret is that we have very good people, who respect their roles and do not relax. We always keep pushing ourselves, constantly applying pressure and looking for competitive advantage. Also having good people inspires the creativity!

– How did you start working with Quantum Sails? What is your position within the company and what do you do there?
– Well, my relationship with Ed Reynolds, who is the CEO of Quantum Sails, is quite long. He hired me right after college when I was 22 years old, so our relationships are ongoing for a long time, almost 30 years! And as it was clear that the America’s Cup will stay in the multihull world, over the last 10 years I have developed the relationships with Doug DeVos, and with the brand, and it seemed like a natural fit for the time. It was and still is a project to work on and to make our sails better. I think my role within Quantum is to help facilitate introductions to customers and to help with sail development, and the feedback, and hopefully do a good job with the product on the water in sailboat races.

To read the full interview click on this link