
Clipperrace 20.10.2017


RACE 2 DAY 16: And Then There Were Two
20 OCTOBER 2017

With ten Clipper Race teams now arrived into Cape Town, South Africa, all eyes are now on Unicef and PSP Logistics, as they work to complete Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to The Cape of Storms.

Unicef is currently 387 nautical miles from the finish line in Cape Town, but will face some tricky conditions in the final stretch, as Skipper Bob Beggs reports: “We are hopeful to arrive either late on the 21st or in early hours on the 22nd; that’s if we can sneak in before the wind dies completely as forecast.

“The wind has already eased and the sea state has flattened off, prompting a change to spinnakers soon after breakfast as we want to keep the momentum going.”

It has been a tricky race for Unicef, who suffered a series of spinnaker wraps during the race, including one on day 4 which damaged the inner-forestay. Whilst this slowed the boat considerably, the team continued to show incredible teamwork to keep racing towards Cape Town.

All the effort will be worth it when they arrive in Cape Town, as Bob explains: “One of the highlights of the stopover for me will be visiting Isibindi Unicef South Africa Child Protection Program, including a home visit to see first-hand the great work that Unicef is doing to change the lives of many children worldwide.”

Also in Bob’s thoughts is the other team still racing across the South Atlantic Ocean, with the Skipper adding: “The race from Punta del Este won’t be over until we are able to welcome in the whole team of PSP Logistics into Cape Town and back into the fold.

“Sail safe and fast guys, looking forward to greeting you in alongside!”

PSP Logistics is still some days out from arriving in Cape Town, with the team around 500 nautical miles from the western gate of the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint.

Like Unicef, The Stormhoek Race to The Cape of Storms has been a challenging one for PSP Logistics, who were forced to return to Punta del Este for repairs after a whale collided with the boat just two days after leaving Uruguay.

However, the team remains in good spirits and is continuing to race hard, with Skipper Roy Taylor saying: “2,000 nautical miles to run to the finish line. Still in champagne conditions, but expecting our appointment with Mother Nature in the small hours of Friday morning and expecting the front to pass over us sometime Friday evening.

“Still on for arriving on Friday 27th October, but hoping to make this an early arrival (daylight without rain would be very nice).”

For an idea of when the last of the fleet is expected to cross the finish line in Cape Town, please see the Estimated Arrival Times on the Clipper Race website. Weather conditions permitting, all arrivals into the V&A Waterfront will be shown on the Clipper Race: LIVE Facebook page.

You can also follow the Clipper Race Viewer to stay up to date on Unicef and PSP Logistics’ progress to Cape Town. All positions were correct at time of publishing.

For an idea of when the last of the fleet is expected to cross the Finish Line, please see the Estimated Arrival Times on the Clipper Race website. Weather conditions permitting, all arrivals into the V&A Waterfront will be shown on the Clipper Race Facebook Live page.

You can follow Clipper Race Viewer to stay up to date on the progress of, GREAT Britain, Unicef, and PSP Logistics. All positions were correct at time of writing.

Want to catch up on the action and news from life on board during Race 2? Then read the Skipper Reports and Crew Blogs, which are all available on the Clipper Race Team Pages.