
Clipperrace 27.10.2017

27 OCTOBER 2017

With just 275 nautical miles left for PSP Logistics in Race 2: Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms, full focus is on getting the boat in the best possible shape for a speedy turn around in Cape Town, South Africa.

Skipper of PSP Logistics Roy Taylor says: “PSP Logistics is still holding a good wind with a little blue in the sky. It is freezing cold but all good on board., though we are all looking forward to a warm bed!”

PSP Logistics is currently estimated to cross the finish line in Cape Town between 1600 – 1800 local time (1400 -1600 UTC) tomorrow, but with the winds backing around to the South East, it will be an upwind final 24 hour stretch for the team.
In order to support his crew in the meantime, the Skipper take over Galley Duty to cook hearty meal, with, of course, his favourite Duff.

Before he took to the challenge, Roy explained: “So, my appointment with the galley draws closer, the crew are concerned for my welfare, but all will be well. A sea-going version of ‘Ready Steady Cook’!”

To find out how the galley experiment went, read Roy’s full Skipper Blog.

It has been an eventful race for PSP Logistics and the team is overwhelmed by the support from the rest of the fleet.

“We are to be stood down on arrival for some rest and not required for duty until Monday morning,” says Roy.

“The wonderful Clipper Race family will turn the boat around for us and complete any work that we have not managed to finish.

“Massive thank you from everyone on board for doing this guys and girls, it’s so appreciated and means the world to us!”

Stay tuned for all the latest news at sea from Skipper Roy Taylor and the crew, on the PSP Logistics team page, to find out and keep up with its progress on the Race Viewer.