Extreme40 Madeira Flotte

Extreme40 Madeira 29.06.2017



SAP Extreme Sailing Team sneak ahead on opening day in Madeira Islands

SAP Extreme Sailing Team took an early lead on the opening day of Extreme Sailing Series™ Act 3, as the international fleet of seven GC32s raced against the stunning backdrop of the Madeira Islands capital, Funchal, in front of a packed Race Village.

The day began with the official press conference, which saw a great turn out from both national and international media.

Following six races in shifty conditions, it was the Danish team that was able to narrowly secure the victory, but with NZ Extreme Sailing Team hot on its heels. The Kiwi syndicate had sat at the top of the leader board for most of the day, before being pipped to the post in the final race. SAP Extreme Sailing Team head into day two with a narrow two-point buffer.

„It felt like a really good day out on the water overall,“ said SAP Extreme Sailing Team’s helm Adam Minoprio, whose team pulled off a convincing comeback after a painful mistake in race one. „The first race we messed up massively as we misheard the course on the radio, and thought that we had two laps, but there was only one. We gave away a win in that race and had to take fourth, which is really frustrating as it’s three points that could come back to hurt us on the last day.

„The rest of the day went really well for us. I’m really happy we were able to jump in, in those extremely tricky conditions, and be consistently at the top,“ he added.

It was the Kiwi team’s consistency that secured its second-place finish, with co-skipper and helm Chris Steele steering his team to five podium finishes, including one bullet, out of six races.

„We’re pretty stoked with our first day. We had no real disasters, so we’re happy,“ said Steele. „It was pretty hectic as the breeze was really up and down and shifty. The starts were important and we had some good ones and some not so good ones, but there were plenty of passing lanes out there and the guys did a really good job of getting the boat round the track and picking the right sides of the course.“

Alinghi, who won the Act in the Portuguese venue last season, finish the day in third, a further eight points behind NZ Extreme Sailing Team.

„Today was not so good for us but we have three days to go and at times today we sailed really well,“ said Arnaud Psarofaghis, co-skipper and helm of the Swiss team. „Everything is still on the table so we will see what happens tomorrow.“

Phil Robertson’s Oman Air had a mixed bag of results, including two wins, and just missed out on the podium due to a disqualification from the final race. Red Bull Sailing Team finish the day in fifth, 12 points off leader SAP Extreme Sailing Team.

Despite a strong start for Land Rover BAR Academy, which opened with a second and a third consecutively, the British squad was unable to maintain its form. It followed up with three fifths and a seventh to finish in sixth overall.

The Brits finished ten points ahead of last-placed Team Extreme, the local wildcard entry. Despite the results, Portuguese skipper Mariana Lobato remains positive: „The team is pretty young and we are still trying to adapt to each other. I think we actually improved a lot today. It’s great to see how we can learn from each other“

The day also marked the start of the 2017 Flying Phantom Series. The 12-strong fleet of international crews took to the water ahead of the GC32 Stadium Racing to kick off the festival of foiling in Madeira.

Austrian-flagged Red Bull lead after seven races. French-flagged Cup Legend, who had previously won the warm-up event in La Baule, follow three points behind in second, with fellow French team, ZEPHIR by Idrewa, in third.

The action resumes tomorrow, with the Flying Phantom Series scheduled for a 10:00 UTC+1 start, followed by GC32 Stadium Racing from 14:00 – 17:00 UTC+1. Keep an eye on the official social media channels for regular updates and follow the racing via the live blog.

Extreme Sailing Series™ Act 3, Madeira Islands standings after day 1, 6 races (29.06.17)

Position / Team / Points

1st SAP Extreme Sailing Team (DEN) Rasmus Køstner, Adam Minoprio, Mads Emil Stephensen, Pierluigi de Felice, Nicolas Heintz 64 points.
2nd NZ Extreme Sailing Team (NZL) Chris Steele, Graeme Sutherland, Harry Hull, Sam Meech, Josh Salthouse 62 points.
3rd Alinghi (SUI) Arnaud Psarofaghis, Nicolas Charbonnier, Timothé Lapauw, Nils Frei, Yves Detrey 54 points.
4th Oman Air (OMA) Phil Robertson, Pete Greenhalgh, James Wierzbowski, Ed Smyth, Nasser Al Mashari 54 points.
5th Red Bull Sailing Team (AUT) Roman Hagara, Stewart Dodson, Shane Diviney, Jason Saunders, Will Tiller 52 points.
6th Land Rover BAR Academy (GBR) Rob Bunce, Owen Bowerman, Will Alloway, Adam Kay, Oil Greber 51 points.
7th Team Extreme (POR) Mariana Lobato, Olivia Mackay, Owen Siese, Peter Dill, Micah Wilkinson, Francesca Clapcich 41 points.

Flying Phantom Series Madeira Islands standings after 7 races


1st Red Bull 135 points
2nd Cup Legend 132 points
3rd ZEPHIR by Idrewa 118 points
4th Culture Foil 114 points
5th Solidaires en Peloton 109 points
6th UON 107 points
7th Oman Sail 98 points
8th Lupe Tortilla 95 points
9th EVO Visian ICL 87 points
10th Masterlan 83 points
11th Back to Basics 75 points
12th Red Bill II 64 points


Regates Royales 2017

Régates Royales – Trophée Panerai 29.06.2017


Régates Royales – Trophée Panerai: the place to be for classic yachts

The 39th edition of the Régates Royales – Trophée Panerai will enliven once again the Bay of Cannes, from the 23rd to the 30th September. Classics, Spirit of Tradition, Metre class boats, Dragons and Tofinou one-designs will gather in a unique display of beauty, elegance and competition

The bay of Cannes will be, once again the place to be for sailors and fans. As the autumn is just about started, the fleet criss-crossing the bay will unite beauty, heritage and close racing. A unique line-up gathering some of the most famous yachts from last century, from the tiny Arcadia to the majestic Cambria. No less than 150 classic and traditional yachts will fight for victory on a race area close to the stunning Lérins Islands, bringing back memories from the yachting “golden age”.

“Here we are again, on the eve of the 39th edition of the Régates Royales, looking forward one more to see and follow these beautiful boats. The Yacht Club de Cannes and its staff can’t wait to welcome and admire the fleet while they elegantly sail past. Like every year, the show will be unique and will be a joy for the thousands of fans who will follow the yachts‘ manoeuvres on the water in the area off the Croisette and close the îles de Lérins.” declared Jacques Flori, president of the Yacht Club de Cannes.

The Dragons celebrate their 30th participation to the Régates Royales de Cannes
Since their comeback to Cannes in 1987, the Dragons haven’t stopped attracting and charming fans of one-design sail racing. It will happen again this year, when some fifty crews coming from ten different countries, will meet in the Cote d’Azur. The Régates Royales will pull together the best Dragon sailors for four days of very close racing.

The pop village
Set on the Quai Laubeuf the Régates Royales –Trophée Panerai village will animate every day before and after racing time with several attractions, namely at night.

The Yacht Club de Cannes has been organizing the Régates Royales for ten years. The event is supported by the City of Cannes, that once more will be a faithful partner of the race, and by Panerai as main sponsor.

Calendar Régates Royales – Trophée Panerai 2017

Monday September 25
Boat arrivals and inscriptions Classic Yachts
First racing day Dragons starting from 11:00

Tuesday September 26
Second racing day Dragons, starting from 11:00
First racing day for the Classics, starting from 12:00

Wednesday September 27
Third racing day Dragons and 5.50, starting from 11:00
Second racing day for the Classics, starting from 12:00

Thursday September 28
Fourth racing day Dragons and 5.50, starting from 11:00
Third racing day for the Classics, starting from 12:00

Friday September 29
Fifth racing day Dragons and 5.50, starting from 11:00
Fourth racing day for the Classics, starting from 12:00
Prize giving ceremony of the Dragon class

Saturday September 30
Fifth racing day for the Classics, starting from 12:00
Prize giving ceremony of the Classics

Sunday September 31
Race to Saint Tropez organized by the Yacht Club de France

More information please visit the official website : www.regatesroyales.com

Copyright : James Robinson Taylor / Régates Royales

Bundesliga Warnemünde 29.06.2017

Segel Bundesliga 29.06.2017

18 Clubs kämpfen auf der Ostsee um die besten Platzierungen
Die 2. Segel-Bundesliga zu Gast in Warnemünde

Hamburg/Warnemünde, 29. Juni 2017 – Zum zweiten Mal in der Geschichte der Deutschen Segel-Bundesliga (DSBL) wird ein Event vor Warnemünde ausgetragen (01.-03. Juli). An drei Tagen kämpfen die 18 Clubs der 2. Segel-Bundesliga im Rahmen der Warnemünder Woche um wichtige Punkte. Wie immer geht es darum, sich den bestmöglichen Tabellenplatz zu sichern und seine Konkurrenz hinter sich zu lassen.

Die Tabelle der 2. Segel-Bundesliga ist derzeit fest in norddeutscher Hand: Der Schlei-Segel-Club und die Seglervereinigung Itzehoe liegen punktgleich an der Spitze (6 Pkt.), dicht gefolgt vom Flensburger Segel-Club auf Platz drei (8 Pkt.).

Warnemünde hält für Segler, Zuschauer und Verantwortliche wieder besondere Spannung bereit: „Das spektakuläre Revier mit dem Regattagebiet direkt vor dem großartigen Strand, die perfekten Bedingungen bei fast jeder Windrichtung und die segelbegeisterten Menschen, machen Warnemünde so besonders. Wir freuen uns auf drei spannende Eventtage“, erklärt DSBL-Projektleiterin Laura Hatje.

Neben dem anspruchsvollen Revier und den optimalen Rahmenbedingungen, trumpfen auch die Teams wieder auf: Sie schicken ihre besten Seglerinnen und Segler ins Rennen. Vor allem der Lokalmatador, der Akademische SegelVerein Warnemünde will auf seinem Heimatrevier ganz vorne mitfahren. Es gehen Alexander Willsch, Jan Kudra, Ralf Butzlaff und Heinrich Hoder an den Start.


Zuschauer können die Liga-Rennen vom Strand live verfolgen. Der Startschuss zur ersten Wettfahrt fällt Samstag um 11.00 Uhr vor der Sport Beach Arena. Alle Ergebnisse gibt es wie gewohnt auf www.segelbundesliga.de.


Race 8

America’s Cup 29.06.2017


Cup Experience News

Issue 56 Wednesday 28 June 2017
Cup Experience News | Kiwis Dominate Oracle to Reclaim America’s Cup Match | Photos

In this issue:

Kiwis Dominate Oracle to Reclaim America’s Cup
The Story in Photos – Starts, Errors, Penalities
Brand Identity: Brand Extension, Brand Diluton?
Ask Jack: When and where will the next America’s Cup be held?


Kiwis Dominate Oracle to Reclaim America’s Cup

Kiwis jubeln

Kiwis jubeln

If the 2013 America’s Cup seemed like „The Empire Strikes Back,“ 2017 gave us „Return of the Kiwis.“ Peter Burling’s Luke Skywalker vanquished Larry Ellison’s Darth Vader racking up eight race wins while Oracle could manage only one. Jimmy Spithill and the Oracle crew seemed to succumb to Jedi mind tricks, losing seven of the nine starts, going OCS in two races, sailing out of bounds once, misjudging laylines both upwind and down and falling off their foils in several tacks and gybes.



The Match started out badly for Oracle when they were over the start line early in the first race.



nach Start

nach Start

The following Saturday, Oracle was again OCS, in Race 5.

Start Race 5

Start Race 5

Start Race 5

Start Race 5

On Sunday 25 June at the start of Race 7, Oracle seemed to be in a strong position to weather of New Zealand and faster.

Start Race 7

Start Race 7

But three seconds before the start, Oracle helmsman Jimmy Spithill made a quick turn to starboard, slowing the boat and handing control to the Kiwis.

Start Race 7

Start Race 7

Start Race 7In Race 7 Oracle crossed the line over a boat length behind and slower than the Kiwis.

Start Race 7

Start Race 7

In the pre-start of the second race on Sunday 25 June, things went even worse for Oracle. Peter Burling hooked Oracle to leeward and forced them almost head to wind before speeding off to big lead at the first mark. In this photo, Peter’s left hand is reaching for the protest button. The umpires green flagged the incident, but the damage was done.



Unforced Boundary Error in Race 8

After their poor start, Oracle compounded their problems by going outside the boundary and picking up a penalty at the top of Leg 3. Losing Race 8 put the Kiwis at match point. They closed out the win the following day.

Race 8

Race 8

Slow Gybe in Race 9 Signalled the End for Oracle

Race 9

Race 9

In the final race, Oracle got a good start and led at Mark 1. But when both teams gybed at the boundary on Leg 2, the Kiwis moved into the lead with a better gybe and stretched out their lead to win the race comfortably.

Oracle led to the boundary on Leg 2 of Race 9.

New Zealand executed a flawless gybe while Oracle’s was a bit slower.

Race 9

Race 9

The Kiwis took command before the first leeward gate, and stretched out their lead from there.

Race 9

Race 9

How Good Were My America’s Cup Match Predictions?

Before the Match began, I made some predictions. Some were better than others…

Neither team will sweep the other – it will be a back and forth battle.
Not so good. Oracle managed to win one race out of nine – hardly a back and forth battle.

The racing will be intense, with frequent lead changes after the first downwind leg. The first boat to Mark 1 – the end of the short blast reach after the start – will almost always be leading at Gate 2, since there are few passing opportunities on the short first downwind leg.
On target.

It will come down to sailing – how well the teams execute their maneuvers.
Neither team will have an overwhelming speed advantage.
Mostly right. New Zealand was faster in the first four races, but Oracle made their boat faster between the two weekends of racing. Oracle’s errors – starting, tactics and boat handling – made things easier for the Kiwis.

Oracle’s Jimmy Spithill will be very aggressive, especially in the pre-starts.
Wrong. Spithill won only two starts in nine races. He was over early in the Race 1 and Race 5. He gave away the start in Race 7 by slowing unnecessarily. In Race 8 Burling hooked Spithill and forced him head to wind.

Very light air will favor the Kiwis.
On target.


America’s Cup Identity – Brand Extension or Brand Dilution?



When ACEA persuaded Louis Vuitton to return as a sponsor they attached the luxury brand’s name to all phases of the competition:

Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series
Louis Vuitton America’s Cup Qualifiers
Louis Vuitton America’s Cup Challenger Playoffs
America’s Cup Match Presented by Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton designed their own logo for the event, which ACEA was not allowed to use on clothing or merchandise. Vuitton’s LV symbol was used on the wingsails instead of the traditional America’s Cup symbol.

Vuitton Sponsor ?

Vuitton Sponsor ?

When Oracle and Emirates Team New Zealand faced off, it appeared that Louis Vuitton had become the „title sponsor“ of the America’s Cup Match.

Prizegiving Ceremony



Oddly, no one presented the trophy to the Kiwis. It was brought on stage by its „body guards.“ At the prizegiving ceremony, before they were allowed to touch the America’s Cup, the Kiwis were presented with Louis Vuitton bags and instructed to hold them up for a photo op. Several team members decided to toss their bags to the crowd.

Standing in the crowd was Luna Rossa owner and Prada CEO Patrizio Bertelli. I got a chance to congratulate him on being the new Challenger of Record.

Team Brunel. Day 17. Bouwe Bekking

Volvo Ocean Race 29.06.2017

Volvo Ocean Race ‘obsessive’ Bouwe Bekking with Team Brunel back for an eighth shot at glory
Bouwe Bekking, the most experienced sailor in Volvo Ocean Race history, will return to skipper the seventh confirmed team in the 2017-18 edition

Bouwe Bekking, the most experienced sailor in Volvo Ocean Race history, will return to skipper the seventh confirmed team in the 2017-18 edition – and give himself another chance at claiming an elusive first victory at the eighth attempt.

No one has sailed more miles in the Volvo Ocean Race than Bekking, who made his first appearance as a crewmember on Philips Innovator back in 1985-86.

More than 30 years on, and now aged 54, Bekking’s Volvo Ocean Race obsession has only intensified.

Team backers include Brunel, the Dutch-based global project management, recruitment and consultancycompany, and its founder Jan Brand. Brunel are Volvo Ocean Race veterans themselves, having had their first involvement in 1997-98.

The theme of the 2017-18 campaign is ‘Engineering the Future.’ – an initiative of a consortium of Dutch companies, including Brunel, Abel, Royal Huisman and EY.

“The team’s goal is to accelerate the next generation,” said Bekking. “We win by bringing together experience and talent, and creating opportunities for the next generation.”

Brunel founder Jan Brand added: “Together, we are able to define new rules and possibilities for the future. Team Brunel empowers the new generation to take the helm.”

With four months to go before the start of the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18, the starting grid is almost full.

The other confirmed entries are team AkzoNobel (skippered by Simeon Tienpont), Dongfeng Race Team (Charles Caudrelier), MAPFRE (Xabi Fernández), Vestas11th Hour Racing (Charlie Enright), Team Sun Hung Kai/Scallywag (David Witt) and Turn The Tide On Plastic (Dee Caffari).

The return of Brunel means that for the first time in the race’s history, four major team sponsors are back for a second successive edition. As well as Brunel, Vestas, Dongfeng and MAPFRE are all back after competing in the most recent edition in 2014-15.

The race will start from Alicante on 22 October, with a maximum of eight One Design Volvo Ocean 65 racing yachts in the fleet. Seven of the boats have undergone an extensive refit process after being raced in 2014-15. The eighth is a brand new yacht, built for team AkzoNobel.

Bekking has been a runner-up in two previous editions but victory has always been just beyond his grasp.

His first experience of ‘so near but yet so far’ came on debut in 1985-86, when he finished second onboard Philips Innovator, skippered by fellow Dutchman Dirk Nauta.

In 1993-94 he was on Winston, in 1997-98 he was back with Merit Cup and four years later he competed with Amer Sports One.

His first opportunity to skipper a team in the event came in 2005-06 with movistar – a race that ultimately came to an end when he and his crew were forced to abandon ship in the Atlantic.

Undeterred, he came back to guide Telefónica Blue to a podium finish in 2008-09 and skippered second-placed Brunel in the most recent edition in 2014-15.

“In 2014-15 we had a very good result, a result I’m proud of, but I believe we can make further huge steps based on the experience we now have with the One Design boat,” he said earlier this year.

The 2017-18 edition will see the teams cover 45,000 nautical miles in a race that features a total of 12 Host Cities and will finish in The Hague, Netherlands at the end of June.

Europeans Kiel 29.06.2017

EM der 49er, 49erFX und Nacra17 vor Kiel
Außenförde wird zum Hochgeschwindigkeitsparcours
Nach der Kieler Woche geht es mit Hochgeschwindigkeit auf der Außenförde vor Schilksee weiter. Vom 27. Juli bis 4. August werden sich bei der Europameisterschaft der 49er, 49erFX und Nacra17 die schnellsten olympischen Klassen rasante Rennen vor Kiel liefern. Dabei sollen erstmals in einer Regatta die Nacra17 mit den neuen Foils ihr Können im Flugmodus unter Beweis stellen.

Die Regenerationsphase für die Segler vor Kiel ist kurz. Denn ein großes Segelereignis folgt dem anderen. Nach der Kieler Woche bleibt den 49ern, 49ernFX und Nacra17 nur wenig Zeit, um wieder auf den Punkt fit zu sein. Denn gerade einmal in vier Wochen ist die Segelelite wieder zu Gast an der Förde. Die Meldelisten sind gespickt mit Segelstars – auch aus Neuseeland, Australien, Argentinien und Brasilien, obwohl die nicht um den EM-Titel mitfahren können. Den Regattasieg auf einem der besten Reviere der Welt wollen sie aber gern einstreichen.

Tina Lutz/Susann Beucke (München/Kiel) sind auf dem Heimrevier immer stark. Bei der Kieler Woche konnten sie ihren Vorjahrestitel zwar nicht verteidigen, waren aber als Viertplatzierte beste Deutsche. Fotos: Kieler Woche/www.segel-bilder.de

So auch die Olympiasiegerinnen von Rio im 49erFX. Die Brasilianerinnen Martine Grael und Kahene Kunze haben in ihrer Karriere bereits alles gewonnen, wurden 2014 zu den Weltseglerinnen des Jahres gekürt und gehören im Feld der 55 gemeldeten Skiffs zu den Favoritinnen. Das deutsche Team ist mit sechs Booten vertreten und ebenfalls für eine Top-Platzierung gut. In Rio hatten sich Victoria Jurczok/Anika Lorenz (Kiel) zwar mit dem neunten Platz zufrieden geben müssen, doch die WM-Dritten von 2016 sind immer für einen Medaillengewinn gut – wie auch Tina Lutz/Susann Beucke (Prien/Strande), die im vergangenen Jahr die Kieler Woche gewannen und nun wieder voll angreifen wollen. Das gilt auch für Jule und Lotta Görge, die in der Strander Bucht – ihrem Heimrevier – groß geworden sind.

„Bin ich zu alt?“ Diese Frage stellte sich der 44-jährige Brasilianer Robert Scheidt nach sechs Olympia-Teilnahmen und entschied: „Nein!“ Solange er jeden Morgen aufwache und sich sage, dass er segeln wolle, sei es genau das Richtige. Auch nach dem Wechsel vom vergleichsweise zahmen Laser auf den bissigen Skiff. „Ich mag das Boot, das Konzept dahinter und die Rennen. Es ist eine Herausforderung für mich“, erklärte er während der Kieler Woche. Und nachdem er bereits fünf Olympia-Medaillen im Laser und Starboot gesammelt hat, möchte er nun zusammen mit seinem Vorschoter Gabriel Borges auch bei den Europameisterschaften vorne mitmischen. Für das deutsche Team haben bisher acht Boote gemeldet. Insgesamt gehen 74 Boote an den Start. Die Olympia-Dritten Erik Heil und Thomas Plößel (Kiel) werden aufgrund anderer Verpflichtungen fehlen, dafür sind aber Justus Schmidt und Max Boehme (Kiel) heiß darauf, ihren EM-Titelgewinn aus dem Jahr 2015 zu wiederholen. „Wir sind auf jeden Fall dabei“, freut sich Justus Schmidt.

Kleiner, aber nicht weniger spannend ist das Feld der Nacra17, die mit einem ganz neuen Bootskonzept antreten wollen. Bisher wurden die Mixed-Katamarane mit den C-Foils gesegelt, jetzt erfolgt der Wechsel auf die Z-Foils, die den Kat zum Full-Foiler – also zum fliegenden Boot – machen. Da nicht alle Crews diesen Sprung mitmachen wollen oder können, wird vor Kiel in zwei Wertungs-Klassen gesegelt: auf den C-Foils als offene Regatta, auf den Z-Foils für die EM-Wertung. Unter den 36 Meldungen ist die gesamte Elite des olympischen Kat-Segelns vertreten: Der Argentinier Santiago Lange wurde im vergangenen Jahr für sein Olympia-Gold mit der Auszeichnung als Segler des Jahres geehrt. Er wird mit seiner Gold-Partnerin Cecilia Carranza Saroli erneut versuchen, die Zweiten von Rio, die Australier Jason Waterhouse und Lisa Darmanin, auf Distanz zu halten. Erster Anwärter auf den europäischen Titel ist Thomas Zajac (Österreich). Der Olympia-Dritte ist trotz Wechsel der Vorschoterin schon wieder voll auf Kurs, was er mit dem Kieler-Woche-Sieg mit Barbara Matz eindrucksvoll bewies.

Wie der Umstieg von C- auf Z-Foils gelingt und ob es Unterschiede zwischen den neuen Booten oder den mit Umbau-Kits ausgerüsteten alten Nacras gibt, die über Sieg oder Niederlage entscheiden, bleibt spannend. Die deutschen Hoffnungen ruhen auf den Kieler-Woche-Zweiten Jan Hauke Erichsen/Ann Kristin Wedemeyer (Flensburg) und Paul Kohlhoff (Kiel), der nach der Trennung von Teampartnerin Carolina Werner nun mit Luisa Krüger startet.

Segelnachrichten Aktuell 28.06.2017

Bremen/Essen, 28.06.2017
Beilken Sails verkündet Übernahme von Essener Segelmacherei Hansen & Ricken
Zum 1. Januar 2018 wird die Bremer Segelmacherei Beilken Sails GmbH die in
Essen ansässige Hansen & Ricken Segelmacherei GmbH aus Altersgründen
übernehmen und sichert dadurch weiterhin den Markt für Beilken Segel in
Nordrhein-Westfalen und den Niederlanden.
Die beiden Segelmachereien Beilken Sails und Hansen & Ricken verbindet eine
langjährige Partnerschaft. Seit über 30 Jahren ist der Segelmacher Hansen & Ricken
regionaler Vertriebspartner von Beilken Segeln in Nordrhein-Westfalen und betreut
Kunden in allen umliegenden Binnenrevieren sowie in den Niederlanden.
Die Übernahme des Standortes im Herzen von Essen zum Jahresanfang 2018 ist somit
ein wichtiger Schritt auch weiterhin im Segelmarkt in Nordrhein-Westfalen präsent zu
sein. Neben klassischen Segeln wird die Segelmacherei die Sparte Sonnensegel in
NRW weiter ausbauen. Wie Hansen & Ricken erstellt auch die Beilken Tochter Sailskin
GmbH seit Jahren maßgeschneiderte und individuelle Sonnensegel für Haus und
„Hansen & Ricken ist bei seinen Kunden für den guten und kompeten Service hoch
geschätzt. Wir versprechen dem großen Kundenstamm, den wir natürlich gerne
weiterhin betreuen, diese hohe Qualität zu halten und werden ihnen den gewohnt
bestmöglichen Service rund um das Segel liefern.“ erklärt Jörg Müller-Arnecke,
Geschäftsführer der Segelmacherei Beilken Sails GmbH.
Für ihren neuen Standort in Essen sucht die Beilken Sails GmbH zum 01.01.2018 einen
erfahrenen Leiter, da der bisherige Geschäftsführer der Hansen & Ricken
Segelmacherei GmbH, Jörg Ricken, seinen Betrieb aus Altersgründen an Beilken
Beilken Sails GmbH
Richard Dunkel Straße 120
28199 Bremen
Jörg Müller-Arnecke
Tel.: +49 (0) 421 / 67 53 10
Fax: +49 (0) 421 / 67 53 111
E-Mail: info@beilken.de
übergibt. Um eine harmonische Übergabe zu gewährleisten steht Herr Ricken für die
zukünftige Übergangszeit der Segelmacherei auch weiterhin mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.