Sailing Champions League in St.Moritz

Sailing Champions League 27.06.2017

Treffen der internationalen Segelelite 1768 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel
SAILING Champions League kommt nach St. Moritz in die Alpen

Die SAILING Champions League ist weiter auf Erfolgskurs: In diesem Jahr steht St. Moritz als weiterer Austragungsort neben St. Petersburg und Porto Cervo auf dem Eventkalender der Wettkämpfe der besten Yachtclubs aus ganz Europa und den USA.

Vom 1. bis 3. September kämpfen die führenden Segelclubs aus 15 Ländern auf dem St. Moritzersee um die Qualifikation für das Finale der SAILING Champions League in Porto Cervo vom 22. bis 24. September.

St. Moritz ist als Austragungsort zahlreicher internationaler Top-Segel-Events und Meisterschaften in den unterschiedlichsten Bootsklassen für attraktiven Segelsport auf höchstem Niveau bekannt. In diesem Jahr kommt ein weiteres Top-Segel-Event hinzu: Anfang September ist der Segel-Club St. Moritz Ausrichter des zweiten Qualifikations-Events für die SAILING Champions League 2017.

Erstmals müssen nun die besten europäischen Segelclubs ihr Können auf dem außergewöhnlichen Segelrevier in St. Moritz unter Beweis stellen. So sind auf dem nur 600 Meter breiten St. Moritzersee schnelle Wendemanöver, exzellente Taktik und perfektes Bootshandling gefragt. Gesegelt wird wie im gesamten internationalen Segel-Ligasport auf J70-Kiel-Booten.

Zuschauer können die spannenden Regatten vor der beeindruckenden Alpenkulisse von der extra für das SAILING Champions League-Event gebauten Wassertribüne verfolgen.

Wir sind gespannt auf drei Tage voller packender Rennen auf dem St. Moritzersee 1768 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel. Willkommen bei der höchsten Segelregatta Europas in St. Moritz on „TOP OF THE WORLD“!

Drei Top Events sind in 2017 für die SAILING Champions League geplant:

Act 1: 11. – 13. August in St. Petersburg, Russland – St. Petersburg Yacht Club
Act 2: 1. – 3. September in St. Moritz, Schweiz – Segel-Club St. Moritz

Finale: 22. – 24. September in Porto Cervo, Italien – Yacht Club Costa Smeralda

SAILING Champions League
Julia Egge
Tel.: +49 40 226 316 4-65

America’s Cup 26.06.2017

26 Jun 2017

Peter Burling and Emirates Team New Zealand win the 35th America’s Cup

Peter Burling and Emirates Team New Zealand have won the 35th America’s Cup.

Another dominant race win for Peter Burling and Emirates Team New Zealand in race nine of the America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton, gave the Kiwi team victory on the Great Sound in Bermuda, sparking wild celebrations on board their America’s Cup Class (ACC) boat, and the team’s support boats on the Great Sound. Burling now adds the 35th America’s Cup to the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup trophy he won in San Francisco, 2013.

The Kiwi team dominated the final stage of the 35th America’s Cup, winning eight races to ORACLE TEAM USA’s one race win, giving the New Zealanders a final winning scoreline of 7-1.

The America’s Cup was last won by a team representing New Zealand in 2000 and they are now the Defenders of the America’s Cup for the 36th installment of the competition for the oldest trophy in international sport.

In the final press conference of the 35th America’s Cup, Grant Dalton, CEO of Emirates Team New Zealand, also announced that the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron has accepted the challenge of Circolo della Vela Sicilia, who will be the Challenger of Record for the 36th America’s Cup and will be represented by Luna Rossa.

America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton
Race Nine
Race nine started with both Emirates Team New Zealand and ORACLE TEAM USA enjoying clean starts and engaged in a drag race to the first mark, the US team edging just ahead but then losing ground to their rivals on the run to the second mark.

Burling was serene at the helm of the Kiwi boat, displaying no nerves as he steered his team towards glory, but Spithill and the ORACLE TEAM USA crew were not giving up, pushing harder than ever to try and take the tie to race ten. However, it was not to be.

By the third mark the Challenge’s lead was up to 26 seconds, increasing further still at the fourth mark, up to 34 seconds, and from that point, barring mistakes by Burling and his all-conquering Emirates Team New Zealand crew, the die was cast.

ORACLE TEAM USA managed to peg back their rivals slightly in the latter stages of the race, but New Zealand sealed their win in impressive style, crossing the finish line for the final time in the 35th America’s Cup 55 seconds ahead of the US team.

Selected quotes from Emirates Team New Zealand, ORACLE TEAM USA and America’s Cup Event Authority

Peter Burling, helmsman, Emirates Team New Zealand:

© Ricardo Pinto

“We’re just blown away. We came here to win the America’s Cup and right now we’re taking the America’s Cup back home to New Zealand.

“To be able to win eight races in Beautiful Bermuda in front of a big crowd of our own fans is overwhelming, we’re just happy to be able to share this moment with them, we’re just blown away.

“I’ve grown up watching this competition as a fan and to be a Kiwi and taking this Cup home is a dream come true.

“To be able to win this event at such a young age is an unreal feeling. However, I’m just a tiny part of a massive team and it is incredible to be able to reward the hard work of those hundreds of people who have supported us, not only here but back home in New Zealand as well.

“We’ve had to go through some incredibly tough times to get to this point. It has been an incredibly tough path to get past the rest of the challengers and then ORACLE TEAM USA and it’s credit to every team that competed.

“It’s so unique to get to sail these boats, every day they can be different. Our incredible shore team gave us that edge and to be able to reward their hard work and bring this Cup home with us is an amazing feeling.

“It’s just sinking in really and I think that will be the same feeling for all of those Kiwi fans watching us win the America’s Cup back home.

“For me I think the reason we won was because of what happened four years ago. This team has gone through some really tough spots from San Francisco and to be able to reward this team with the America’s Cup is the best feeling, because they are such an incredible team.

“I’d like to say thank you to Bermuda. It has been an amazing venue for a sailing event and I’ve absolutely loved this place, I’d love to come back at some stage.

Glenn Ashby, Skipper, Emirates Team New Zealand:

“It’s just an amazing feeling of satisfaction to have finally won the America’s Cup.

“It has been an incredibly tough journey to get here. We came across late to Bermuda from New Zealand and to be able to get the boat into good shape in such short time is all credit to our amazing team.

“I’m just so proud to be a part of this team and to be able to bring the Cup home and I want to thank the support of the whole country.

“What happened in 2013 was a brutal experience for everyone involved, to be so close was extremely disappointing and is something that will live with all of us for the rest of our lives.

“So to be able to come here a few years later and pull off an unbelievable victory has really redeemed that situation for New Zealand and it feels like justice has prevailed.

“I think we’ve seen some unbelievable advancements here with the boats and the type of races we’ve seen and it’s great for our sport. From a sailing perspective it’s going to be hard to sail anything else after what we’ve seen in these boats, the technology is just absolutely amazing.”

Grant Dalton, CEO, Emirates Team New Zealand:


“We’ve done it, finally!

“We probably don’t realise how big a deal this is back in New Zealand. I’ve been told that there was traffic jams at 4am with people trying to get to work just to see the races, which is utterly incredible.

“We’ve had a phenomenal group of guys, we’ve battled some serious adversity but as a group we’ve overcome everything. There have been a lot of people behind that and none more so than Matteo De Nora, who has stuck with the team through thick and thin and believed in everything that we have done. New Zealand owes a lifetime of gratitude to him for what we have achieved.

“We thought outside of the square and we did it our way. After San Francisco we knew we couldn’t out-spend other teams here so we had to out-think everyone. One of the things to come out of San Francisco is that we were out-designed and we knew this time round that we had to push that area.

“This time round we had no restrictions on design. We just wanted to see what we could come up with and we have achieved some truly amazing things that have been revolutionary in this sport.

© Sander van der Borch

“After San Francisco we had a pretty tough debrief and came up with 20 points that we had to change. One of those was that we had to invest in technology and the people that provide it. We also had to get our arms around the next generation of yachtsmen that were coming through and Peter (Burling) was one of those.

“He told me he wanted to be helmsman, so it was all about investing in the right people and giving them the responsibility to go out and achieve what we knew we could.

“It is important that we make the next America’s Cup affordable but we also need to remember that it is the America’s Cup and it is one of the top sports and not a little beach regatta. It is never going to be cheap.

“It is a fine balance between not making it prohibitively expensive, but not being so cheap that it devalues the competition.

“At the core of what we believe, we have to create an event that takes a lot of the good that has happened here, because there been a lot of good here. Just because we didn’t sign the Framework Agreement, that doesn’t mean to say there weren’t elements we didn’t agree with, it was just didn’t agree with every element.

“To me it is a privilege to host the America’s Cup. It is not a right and we will put in place rules and an organisation of our own that will do everything to be good enough.”

Jimmy Spithill, Skipper, ORACLE TEAM USA:


“On behalf of the whole of ORACLE TEAM USA, congratulations to Emirates Team New Zealand. What an incredible team. They’ve been a class above everyone in the 35th America’s Cup and we take our hats off to you. Well done.

“They sailed better than anyone else out here and so, rightly so, they are the 35th America’s Cup champions.

“The defeat hasn’t really sunk in yet and it is definitely weird looking at the trophy and knowing we won’t be taking it home.

“With hindsight there are a lot of things you would like to change but I think it’s far too early to say what might have gone wrong.

“Finally, I want to say, to Bermuda, you’ve welcomed us to your beautiful island and we’ve loved every moment of it. Thank you.”

Sir Russell Coutts, CEO, America’s Cup Event Authority, was quick to acknowledge the first New Zealand victory in the America’s Cup since 2000, saying, “I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations and praise to everyone in Emirates Team New Zealand for winning the 35th America’s Cup.

“Helmed brilliantly by Peter Burling, with the guiding influence of skipper Glenn Ashby, supported by a world class sailing, design and shore team, they performed magnificently here in Bermuda, winning in dominant fashion.

“I know just how much this victory means to the team and to the people of New Zealand. This is a remarkable achievement, one that will be rightly celebrated in Bermuda and across New Zealand and I hope those celebrations live long in the memory, much as the team’s victory in Bermuda has now written a new chapter in the history of the America’s Cup. Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand. You deserve your victory, you deserve the accolades coming your way, and now, you deserve to enjoy it.”


“For me I think the reason we won was because of what happened four years ago. This team has gone through some really tough spots from San Francisco and to be able to reward this team with the America’s Cup is the best feeling, because they are such an incredible team. “I’d like to say thank you to Bermuda. It has been an amazing venue for a sailing event and I’ve absolutely loved this place, I’d love to come back at some stage. Glenn Ashby, Skipper, Emirates Team New Zealand:




Kieler Woche FX-Regatta

Kieler Woche Fotogalerie Lars2 26.06.2017

Die Liegestühle und Sitzsäcke in der Audi Sailing Arena auf dem Kieler Woche-Veranstaltungsgelände in Kiel-Schilksee sind begehrt.

Kieler Woche 26.06.2017


Kieler Woche
Kieler Woche setzt die Messmarken für den Segelsport
Die Kieler Woche im 135. Jahr ist Geschichte, doch die Signale, die vom Olympiazentrum in Schilksee aus in die Welt geschickt wurden, dürften noch weit in die Zukunft reichen. In beispielhafter Weise wurden die Para World Sailing Championships (PWSC) in das Großereignis integriert, Jugend und Superstars des Segelsports agierten ebenso einträchtig nebeneinander wie Jollen-, Skiff- und Kat-Athleten mit Yacht-Seglern.

450 Ehrenamtler sorgten dafür, dass sich die 4000 Segler aus 65 Nationen und über 300.000 Besucher in der Pagoden-Stadt im Olympiazentrum wohlfühlten. An den neun Tagen wurden fast 500 Wettfahrten gesegelt – bei Winden zwischen Flaute und stürmischen Böen sowie Wetter von karibischer Sonne bis Gewitterschauer. Die SAP Sailing Analytics erfassten rund ein Drittel der Rennen, trackten dabei fast 20.000 Seemeilen und registrierten 35 Millionen Positionswerte der Teilnehmer auf den Regattabahnen. Die täglich mehrstündigen Übertragungen von Kieler Woche TV powered by AUDI machten das Segeln zu einem Sport zum Anfassen, der weltweit erlebbar war. Hinter den harten Fakten steckt eine ständige Vorbereitung durch die Agentur Point of Sailing in Kiel mit Geschäftsführer Sven Christensen und das Organisationsteam um Dirk Ramhorst.

„Wir sind mit den neun Tagen höchst zufrieden“, resümierte dann auch Kieler-Woche-Organisationsleiter Ramhorst, dem das Wetter in die Karten gespielt hatte. „Die Tage waren in den Bedingungen sehr unterschiedlich, geradezu mediterran am Anfang und typisch norddeutsch in der zweiten Hälfte. Wir hatten nur einen Tag, an dem wir Abstriche machen mussten. Am Donnerstag konnten wir wegen der beiden Gewitterfronten und schwieriger Winde nur ein Rumpfprogramm segeln. Aber selbst der Montag, der mit Flaute begann, entwickelt sich noch gut.“ Die kräftigen Winde und Böen in der zweiten Wochenhälfte waren bei einigen Teilnehmern der Para World Sailing Championships allerdings skeptisch gesehen worden. „Es war sicherlich am Limit. Aber die Rücksprache mit Athleten wie Heiko Kröger und dem Bundestrainer hat uns Gewissheit gegeben, dass es segelbar war. Es war eben auch eine Weltmeisterschaft“, so Ramhorst. Und der Team-Abend der PWSC verlief dann auch in bester Stimmung und mit vielen strahlenden Gesichtern. Wohl auch, da sich die paralympischen Segler im Schoße der Kieler Woche bestens aufgehoben fühlten. „Die Integration der Worlds in das Großevent hat bestens funktioniert. Das ist ein starkes Signal an das International Paralympic Committee für eine Wiederaufnahme des Segeln in die Paralympics. Es ist aber auch ein starkes Zeichen für den Weltseglerverband World Sailing, dass auch das Finale des Sailing World Cup perfekt in die Kieler Woche passen würde“, blickte Ramhorst auf das kommende Jahr voraus. Bis September stehen die Organisatoren der Kieler Woche mit World Sailing in Verhandlung, um einen Weg für die Rückkehr des Worldcups nach Kiel zu finden. Dabei geht es zum einen darum, ein Konzept zu entwerfen, dass sowohl die 20 besten Segler der Welt ihren Weltcup-Sieger ermitteln, andererseits aber auch die gewohnt großen Startfelder auf der Außenförde an den Start geschickt werden können. Zudem sind die Fragen der Markenrechte der unterschiedlichen Partner von World Sailing und Kieler Woche zu klären.

Die gestiegenen Anforderungen an die Sicherung von Großveranstaltungen wurden in Schilksee effektiv umgesetzt. „Das Event-Areal war gut gestaltet, und das Sicherheitskonzept ist aufgegangen. Es waren mehr Polizisten sichtbar, aber in sehr freundlicher Präsenz und nicht dominant“, freute sich Ramhorst, dass weder die Besucher noch die Athleten Einschränkungen erlebt hatten.

Für die Zukunft wird die Kieler Woche noch verstärkt an der Nachhaltigkeit arbeiten. Insbesondere die Papierflut hat der Organisationsleiter in den Fokus genommen und will mit dem verstärkten Einsatz von Monitoren daran arbeiten, dass der Informationsfluss weitgehend ohne Ausdrucke funktioniert.

Und die Kieler Woche wird sich auch in ihrem Angebot auf den Bahnen an den Bedürfnissen der Sportler orientieren. Dabei bleibt die grundsätzliche Maxime, dass die einzelnen Klassen rund 20 Boote und mehr an den Start bringen sollten, um die Bahnen sinnvoll bespielen zu können. Die Kieler Woche ist daher beständig mit den Klassenvereinigungen im Austausch – mit denen, die vor Kiel schon fest etabliert sind, und mit denen, die in das Programm auf der Außenförde streben.

Nicht neu vor Kiel, aber in ganz anderer Aufmachung werden im kommenden Jahr die Nacra17-Katamarane kommen. Zur Europameisterschaft in fünf Wochen vor Kiel soll weltweit die erste Regatta der Mixed-Crews auf foilenden Katamaranen gesegelt werden. Ramhorst: „Da werden wir dann auch für die Kieler Woche im kommenden Jahr lernen, wie schnell die Boote sind und welche Anforderungen an den Rennkurs gestellt werden. Das hat auch Einfluss auf die Sicherheitsanforderungen und die Begleitmotorboote. Der Segelsport bleibt nicht stehen, und die Kieler Woche entwickelt sich immer fort, um weiterhin die Messmarken für das Segeln zu setzen.“

Informationen zur Kieler Woche 2017 unter



Dank, liebe Helfer, dass Ihr dazu beigetragen habt.

Kieler Woche 26.06.2017


Tschüss und auf ein Wiedersehen 2018
Die 400 ehrenamtlichen Helfer und Organisatoren der Kieler Woche (im einheitlichen Gaastra-Outfit) sagen tschüss und freuen sich auf ein Wiedersehen vom 16. bis 24. Juni 2018.


Mit über 4000 Seglern/innen, rund 1700 Booten und 500 Start blickt Kiel auf eine große Kieler Woche zurück. Vielen Dank, dass Sie dazu beigetragen haben.



Double gold olympic medalists, America's Cup

America’s Cup 26.06.2017

Red Bull Youth America´s Cup Wrap-Up:

„It was like a Hollywood movie”

No one could have scripted a more exciting ending to the 2017 Red Bull Youth America’s Cup on June 21, as New Zealand was toppled from almost certain triumph in the last seconds of the last race by a determined British team, and Bermuda emerged as the new darlings of sailing. Here, final words and a peek at the future from the Sport Directors, two-time Olympic champions Roman Hagara and Hans Peter Steinacher.

Roman and Hans Peter, you spent four years planning the 2017 Red Bull Youth America’s Cup. Were you satisfied with how everything turned out?

RH: Yes, really satisfied. We managed to build the lineup to 12 teams in this edition – 12 really good teams – and the sailing was great. Plus the local Bermuda team, who were new to this, not only qualified for the Final but then won the first race, and the crowd was behind them all the way. There were something like 4,000 spectators, which is a big success for an event like this.

Some of the members of the Bermuda team had never sailed a boat before they started training 18 months ago. Do you think having the regatta on the Great Sound, with TeamBDA such a great role model, will have an effect on the sailing scene here?

RH: Absolutely. TeamBDA is already looking toward their next steps in the future, and Bermuda’s youth program has a lot of kids sailing now. I think it’s had a really big impact.

You predicted that the final day was going to be edge-of-your-seat stuff, and it was! What about that unbelievable last race, where in the final moments Germany hit a marker, Sweden and Switzerland incurred penalties, and Great Britain swooped in to snatch the overall win from the Kiwis?

HPS: Land Rover BAR Academy deserved the win, because they were the best boat overall in all six races of the Finals. But you never could have imagined how this regatta would play out as everything came down to the surprises in that last race. It was like a Hollywood movie: a good Hollywood movie for Great Britain and a bad one for New Zealand. On Day Two, New Zealand was the boat with the best skills. They seemed relaxed and were able to have three wins, but Great Britain was the best boat overall across the six races over the two days.

To follow your movie analogy, the regatta had a new leading lady, Annabel Vose, the tactician for that winning Land Rover BAR Academy crew, who became the first woman on board a boat in the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup.

HPS: Yes, we had Annabel’s story on top of all the Hollywood drama, as well as Ceci Wollmann, who was a woman team member on shore for TeamBDA [Bermuda]. For sure we are proud that there were women on two teams in the Final, and that one is now champion of the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup. Annabel was so good on the boat. She was truly part of the team, and it’s a great story in a sport like this – where it’s so difficult to handle these big boats in these conditions – that a really nice and extremely talented young woman was better than all the boys in her role.

Speaking of the boat, there are very few sailors in the world, even among the top professionals, who have sailed an AC45F. How did these 18- to 24-year-olds handle it?

RH: That was always the question we heard, even in the 2013 edition of the regatta before we were on foils: “Can youth sailors handle this boat?” And this year, just as in 2013, they managed really well. They prepared thoroughly beforehand, and several of the teams gained experience sailing GC32s, so most had foiling experience when they came to Bermuda. In the rules they were allowed seven days to practice on the AC45F before official training sessions began. So again, preparation was great from the teams, and in a variety of wind conditions. We were never in doubt that they could handle the boat, and their performances showed that they’ve developed skills they’ll need if they move on to professional sailing careers.

Of course you created the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup exactly for that reason, to help the best young sailors build skills as a stepping stone to the top level of the sport. So do you think we’ll see some of these young athletes in the America’s Cup in 2021?

HPS: Definitely. It will be the same story as with the last edition in 2013: All the America’s Cup teams are watching the next generation, and the sport directors responsible for the sailing teams in the America’s Cup are already looking at taking sailors from this regatta.

RH: It’s been gratifying to have these young sailors take the time to thank us and tell us that they’ve been able to do things that they could never have done without the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup. We’re happy to think this has been good for their careers, and I’m certain these future stars are going to make a great impact on the sailing scene.

And maybe it’s too soon to say, but do you think there will be another Red Bull Youth America’s Cup in the future?

HPS: It’s not too soon, we are already thinking about boats! This is something we take very seriously. We are planning on developing the regatta for the future, seeing where we can make improvements. We are eager to get going for sure, and we are already having meetings with senior teams to get full support so that we will be ready for the next Red Bull Youth America’s Cup.

RH: We’re looking forward to it, and we aim to have even more nations involved next time.



America’s Cup 26.06.2017


Day three of the America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton, was full of drama, incident and history-making action, but the big story of the day is the fightback ORACLE TEAM USA staged against their rivals for the Auld Mug, Emirates Team New Zealand.

The US Defenders of the America’s Cup found themselves 3-0 down to their Kiwi rivals after the first four races of the final stage of the 35th America’s Cup. However, from the start of race five, the first race of day three of the America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton, it was clear that ORACLE TEAM USA had found significant boat speed since the two teams last raced on Sunday 18th June.

Race five went to Emirates Team New Zealand, who took full advantage of mistakes made on the US boat to put themselves 4-0 up, but in race six the tables finally turned, ORACLE TEAM USA winning their first race of the America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton. With that victory, Skipper Jimmy Spithill made more history, tying Sir Russell Coutts’ winning record in America’s Cup Match races, recording his 14th victory, the same as Coutts.

That win means that the 35th America’s Cup will continue into Monday 26th June as neither team can reach the seven points needed to win the 35th America’s Cup in the two races scheduled on Sunday 24th June.

However, the win also signifies that the clear advantage Emirates Team New Zealand had over their US rivals in the opening weekend of the America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton, has gone, and that means even more compelling racing is guaranteed in the remaining head-to-heads between the two teams fighting for the oldest trophy in international sport.

The battle on the water also carried on into the press conference after the action concluded on the Great Sound with the rivals looking back at the two races on day three, and the week they’ve both had to prepare for the resumption of hostilities on Saturday 24th June.

“We felt like we gave away that last race a bit, but it is great to see a little fight out of these boys,” remarked Burling, on ORACLE TEAM USA’s revival, to which Jimmy Spithill replied, „It is only just beginning mate.“

Reflecting further on his team’s vast improvement and the importance of ORACLE TEAM USA cutting the overall deficit to Emirates Team New Zealand, Spithill added, “We all saw that the boat is faster, obviously we are not sailing as well as we should do, but the important thing is that the boat is faster.

“We’ll be going straight back out on the water today to work on a few things. That’s a good position to be in, knowing there is more on the table and that the changes are working, the boat is getting quicker.

“It was five very long days but the good thing is we’ve been able to reward the entire shore crew with a win. We now have confidence in the tool we have, which is the most important thing.

“It does remind me of San Francisco when, once the guys can see that the boat is faster, then you start building some momentum.

“Getting that first victory was important today but I believe there is more speed in the tank.

“The boat is clearly faster because of the changes and it showed in the second race that if we as athletes can do a good job then the boat responds.

“We know we can do much better, but all in all we are just happy with the performance of the boat, to be able to get that race win, and to know that the boat is faster.”

In reply, Peter Burling acknowledged the new greater threat from ORACLE TEAM USA but remained confident in Emirates Team New Zealand being able to hold their advantage.

“We knew to expect a battle and now it appears we have got one,” remarked Burling.

“We felt they were a little rusty last weekend but we are under no illusions. When we entered this we knew we were in for one hell of a battle. It was nice to get those first wins and take a lead.

“We came out of a good battle today and managed to take another win but we feel we have plenty more to come.

“We didn’t sail particularly well today but it was great to walk away with another win. We’re really happy with the lead we have got and we’ll come back stronger, expecting a really great battle in the coming races.

“It’s no secret that when you look at our team, we are all very young and the advantage that gives us is that we are all pretty open and learn fast. We have an incredibly talented group of guys and we’re excited to get back out there and race again tomorrow.”

America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton

Race Five

After five days away from racing Jimmy Spithill’s ORACLE TEAM USA’s fightback against Emirates Team New Zealand started in the worst possible style in Race Five, the team being handed a penalty for crossing the start line too early, allowing Peter Burling’s Emirates Team New Zealand to sail into a clear lead.

“All of our onboard gear had us behind the line at the start but it was wrong,” bemoaned Spithill of the early penalty. “We both rely on pretty sophisticated software at times and in these boats you get one knot of difference and it changes everything.”

However, despite the setback, the American team responded spectacularly, closing the gap completely rounding the second gate before taking the lead in the first pass of the America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton, on leg 3/7.

However, just as they had taken the lead, ORACLE TEAM USA were punished once again as the boats crossed for a second time on leg 3/7. Both teams appealed against the other but it was Jimmy Spithill who was penalised, his team having to fall two boat lengths behind his rival, effectively handing them the race victory.

To add insult to injury, the Defender’s pursuit of Emirates Team New Zealand was hampered even further as a poorly executed manoeuvre then saw them lose all momentum, allowing the Kiwis to sail well clear on leg 4/7.

The Kiwi team’s advantage stood at just over a minute at the fifth gate and by the time they crossed the finish line Emirates Team New Zealand were two minutes and four seconds ahead of their rivals, putting them 4-0 up at the end of race five.

Race Six

With the pressure mounting on Jimmy Spithill and ORACLE TEAM USA, they finally halted Emirates Team New Zealand’s charge, securing a timely and vital 11 second victory over the Kiwis in the sixth race of the America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton, to cut the deficit to 4-1.

In contrast to the first race of the day, both teams crossed the start line cleanly, with ORACLE TEAM USA beating Emirates Team New Zealand to mark one for the very first time in the America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton.

The lead then changed hands twice on leg two but it was Jimmy Spithill’s team which held a slender 12 second advantage at the third gate.

At gate four Spithill took a gamble, jibing in the run up to the next gate, but it proved to be an error and Burling took the shorter course to the gate to edge ahead of his rival.

However, ORACLE TEAM USA’s new-found speed paid dividends on leg 5/7 as they cut the gap to their rivals and engaged in close-quarter racing. Two passes then ensued between the two teams, with Spithill coming out on top, nudging ahead at the fifth gate.

Having eradicated the mistakes that had held back ORACLE TEAM USA in race five, Spithill kept his rival at bay in the run up to the finish line and sealed an 11-second win which, vitally, keeps ORACLE TEAM USA firmly in the America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton.

“We had a couple of good leads but some bad manoeuvres allowed them to catch us up,” conceded Peter Burling on defeat in race six. “We made a couple of mistakes and we lost some metres, however, full credit to them, they sailed better than us in that race.”

Race Results

Race Five: Emirates Team New Zealand beat ORACLE TEAM USA by 2 minutes and 4 seconds

Race Six: ORACLE TEAM USA beat Emirates Team New Zealand
by 11 seconds

Overall Standings

Emirates Team New Zealand 4*

* Emirates Team New Zealand started the America’s Cup Match, presented by Louis Vuitton -1 due to ORACLE TEAM USA’s win in the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup Qualifiers