
Extreme40 2018


The 2018 Extreme Sailing Series™ is ready for take-off

OC Sport, founder and organiser of the Extreme Sailing Series™, is officially inviting team entries for the 2018 season, with the release of the provisional Notice of Race.

The twelfth Series will visit eight iconic venues across three continents. The calendar and venues will allow the teams increased access to boats and facilitate larger racing areas, whilst remaining true to the core Stadium Racing format that the Series is famed for.

Event Director Andy Tourell commented: „For the Extreme Sailing Series, sporting integrity remains our number one priority. The past two years have seen a successful transition to the foiling GC32 and I am looking forward to continuing to build on this success to deliver the very best racing for the teams. This ultimately results in the best experience for hard-core sailing fans, guests, public spectators and the world’s media.

„We will be adapting the Series logistics in 2018,“ added Tourell, „to enable greater access to boats for the teams and deliver direct engagement with more markets over a 24-month period for our commercial partners. 2018 represents the first phase of this strategy, engaging with new markets in line with the interests of our sponsors and teams, while we will also return to a number of key territories that we have hit in the 2017 season.“

The Series will continue to build on the trend of the past four years that has seen the average size of racecourses grow, while maintaining the proximity of the foiling action to the shore.

Race Director John Craig explained: „With the GC32s being as quick as they are we need to give them a little bit more room to stretch, but we won’t lose the stadium feel. We will continue to bring the boats close to the spectators by positioning part of the racecourse close to shore.“

The diverse racing format will include open water racing in some venues to maximise the potential of the high-speed foiling GC32s.

In addition, the 2018 schedule will increase the teams‘ access to the boats. „A key goal of the Notice of Race is to enable the sailors to have more time with their boats. Some of the venues we have selected will reduce shipping time, which will increase the amount of time sailors have to use their boats,“ explained Craig.

The Series will continue to deliver a busy menu of racing unrivalled by other events, which can see up to 32 races at every Act. This means more racing for the sailors and a better entertainment schedule for public spectators, VIP guests and media.

The world class standard of racing and unique corporate sponsorship platform offered by the Series, which is one of only six World Sailing Special Events, is expected to attract both returning and new teams made up of some of the world’s best sailors.

The Extreme Sailing Series‘ award-winning hospitality programme, which includes the opportunity for guests to ride on board the boats during racing, will continue to be developed in conjunction with the teams, Host Venue Partners and Series Partners.

Entry is open immediately and the 2018 calendar of events, including venue locations, will be announced in the coming months, along with the shape of the 2019 Series.

Teams who are interested in competing in the 2018 Extreme Sailing Series, or who would like more information about the provisional Notice of Race, should email entries@extremesailingseries.com.