
Clipperrace Race2 26.10.2017

26 OCTOBER 2017

PSP Logistics remains on track for a Saturday arrival into Cape Town, but the final few days of what has already been a hard Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms won’t be easy for the team.

With less than 600 nautical miles to go, PSP Logistics is travelling well and averaged more than 11 knots over the last 24 hours. But Skipper Roy Taylor is keeping a watchful eye on the weather forecast, reporting: “Currently blue sky and 25 knots of breeze on the starboard quarter.

“But one final sting in the tail for this leg, it looks like the High is going to drop below us, giving southeast winds on Friday which will back further to the east by Friday evening. This is going to force us to stay south, pointing towards the bottom of the Agulhas Bank in order to follow the wind round and avoid a painful beat in 35 knots for the last night.”

Whilst frustrated by the weather, Roy is remaining optimistic, and is preferring to look at the silver lining, saying: “As Leg 2 comes to a close for us, what can we take from it?

“As well as learning that whale strikes are not conducive to gaining points, the team has realised that not every race will go our way.

“The 13 battles form the campaign, and that one battle lost does not mean the campaign is over. Adversity will find us from time to time and will make or break a team. Any team that can face adversity and come through still as a team will be stronger and better prepared for future challenges.”

Meanwhile, at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, the Clipper Race Office and Maintenance teams are continuing their preparations in order to help PSP Logistics be ready for the start of the Southern Ocean Leg 3 to Fremantle, Australia, which will begin on Tuesday 31 October.

Stay tuned for all the latest news at sea from Skipper Roy Taylor and the crew, on the PSP Logistics team page, to find out and keep up with its progress on the Race Viewer.