Schlagwortarchiv für: Barcelona World Race


Barcelona World Race 2018 14.11.2017


The 11th of November marked the tenth anniversary and start of the first edition of the double handed round the world race. The forthcoming 2018-2019 edition of the race has a renewed format.

The presentation of the Barcelona World Race 2018-2019 will take place on the 28th of November at 11:30 am at the Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona headquarters.

Within the next few days, you will receive the official media announcement with further details of the event.
DATE: 28th November 2017
TIME: 11:30h (CET)
PLACE: Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona headquarters
Antic Edifici de Remolcadors
Moll de Llevant, 1 – 08039 Barcelona


Barcelona World Race 13.12.2017


16 teams have added the regatta to their racing calendar
The countdown to the fourth edition of the Barcelona World Race begins

• The Barcelona World Race unveiled its new format to the sailing community today, a format which opens up horizons for the expansion of the IMOCA fleet, the most active ocean racing class.

• Considered one of the most important yacht races in the world, this edition has some exciting new ingredients: two legs, Barcelona-Sydney-Barcelona and an option to substitute the co-skipper.

• The fourth edition of the Barcelona World Race has already received an enthusiastic response from skippers from all over the world, as well as the international sailing community.

Barcelona, 13th December 2017. The countdown to the Barcelona World Race 2018/19 kicked off this Wednesday with a presentation of the regatta for the international sailing community at the Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona (FNOB) headquarters in the Catalan capital. The fourth edition of the double-handed (two crew) round the world challenge is packed with new features, positioning this race as a pillar of the IMOCA World Championship calendar, alongside the Vendeé Globe.

On the 12th of January 2019, the start will be given to this brand-new edition of the two-crew, round the world regatta, where, for the first time the IMOCA 60 boats will be making an obligatory stopover in Sydney, Australia. This international move is a significant step for the regatta and the class globally. For the fourth edition of the regatta the FNOB will also have a brand-new headquarters and regatta control centre in the city of Barcelona. It will be situated in the Sea Experience space, next to the Maremagnum shopping centre, which will bring the competition closer to the public, who will also be able to visit the facilities.

The upcoming edition of the round the world challenge has already been given an enthusiastic response from international top flight offshore sailors with 16 teams adding the event to their racing schedule, 11 of which already have an IMOCA 60. The regatta has received interest from 26 international sailors who have contacted the Race Management team for information.

“For us it would be a success to have between 10 and 11 boats on the starting line of the next edition of the regatta”, said Xosé-Carlos Fernández, the CEO of the FNOB. opened the presentation by highlighting the importance of the Barcelona World Race for the sport of transoceanic racing globally and in particular for the city of Barcelona, where the regatta has become part of the city’s identity. The new relationship with Sydney will take Barcelona even further: “Until now we haven’t had an extra visibility platform for sponsors, but now we can offer that with the Sydney stopover. The city is a reference point which will make the regatta even more attractive to sponsors”.

The CEO of the FNOB placed special emphasis on the fact the Barcelona World Race brings together and expands on the core working values of the FNOB – sport, education & training, science and business & industry. It’s along these lines that transoceanic sailing has an immense potential to positively impact on the social fabric surrounding it.

Jacques Caraës, Race Director Barcelona World Race, outlined the new format for the round the world regatta, which will set off on the 12th of January 2019, Racing across two legs. The first leg, Barcelona to Sydney, some 13,500 nautical miles in length, is set to finish at Sydney towards the end of February. The second leg, 12,500 nautical miles in length, starts at Sydney on the 9th of March 2019 and should finish at Barcelona in mid-April.

Caraës explained how the optional co-skipper substitution would work for the second leg and further details on qualifying for the race. He also highlighted the importance of the Barcelona World Race in the class racing calendar: “La Barcelona World Race will be given a coefficient rating of 9 for the Globe Series, the IMOCA World Championships and completing one leg of the race will also be a qualifier for the Vendée Globe 2020. We’ve been working hard on making sure that teams have the greatest possibilities of finishing the race. There will also be the possibility of an authorised technical stopover of a maximum of 48 hours on each leg.”

Julia Casanueva, President of the Spanish sailing federation (RFEV) emphasised the importance of the event in Spain and expressed her full support for the round the world regatta.

“The Barcelona World Race offers our ocean sailors an incredible opportunity to join the international transoceanic sailing circuit. It is, without doubt, a unique platform, not only for our own athletes, but for boat owners, team captains and other professionals working in the world of sailing, who are also offered an opportunity to develop their careers through this event”.

Julia Casanueva also expressed her support for the FNOB’s role in creating a new model for sailing which brings the sport and society together, with huge benefits for both: “With the educational programmes and its industry programmes, the Barcelona World Race is making our sport more accessible for sponsors. This organisational model, which has been built over the past ten years by the FNOB has transformed sailing into a useful tool for education and training and business activities, whilst remaining a top-flight, highly-technical sport”.

Xavier Torres, president of the Catalan sailing federation (FCV): “We stand beside the FNOB and the regatta. For us the Barcelona World Race is the access route to offshore sailing for Catalan sailors. It’s a great opportunity for them. This format is more attractive and it’s no surprise that 16 teams have already pre-registered. We are also really proud of the fact that Barcelona is being promoted within the world of sailing”.

Antoine Mermod, the IMOCA class president spoke of the magnificent evolution of the Barcelona World Race since its first edition and also outlined how the regatta had earned its position as one of the pillars of the IMOCA Class World Championships: “We now have two star events: the Vendée Globe, a solo race, and the Barcelona World Race with two crew; that means a round the world regatta every two years, a formula which has worked very well and has received a great response from sailors and sponsors. With the new Barcelona World Race format, that reputation will be consolidated further. The work of the FNOB over the past ten years has been extraordinary and there’s no doubt that the fourth edition of the Barcelona World Race will be even more of a success”.

Marcus Hutchinson, well-known for his successful career in race and team management, highlighted the importance of the Barcelona World Race for the career development of young sailing talent and as a platform for the creation of sponsorship opportunities: “This format change, with two legs, is a very important move forward in the internationalisation of the IMOCA Class”.

Barcelona skipper Didac Costa closed the presentation today by confirming his interest in taking part in the fourth edition, which will be his third time racing round the world, following the Barcelona World Race 2014/15 and the Vendée Globe 2016: “I’m really supportive of this new format. For me, being from Barcelona, this regatta is very special and has been significant in my career”.

About the Barcelona World Race

The Barcelona World Race is a double-handed (two crew – skipper and co-skipper) round the world regatta, starting and finishing in Barcelona, with two legs: Barcelona – Sydney – Barcelona. The event is a highlight in the Barcelona sporting and cultural calendar, where the sea, sailing, sport the spirit of Barcelona and its citizens come together in a grand celebration. The regatta turned 10 years old this November 2017 and notching up three editions so far, it has become a cornerstone event in the worldwide transoceanic yacht racing calendar. This is a sporting challenge, a transoceanic adventure which pushes human strength and endurance to the limit. The yachts race round the world on a route some of 26,000 nautical miles (48,152 km) in length. Created and organised by the FNOB, the competition is part of the IMOCA World Championship and is classified as an ISAF Major Event. The Barcelona World Race has also developed a highly-successful cross-sectional model; bringing sport, education, science and industry together, generating not only economic wealth, but also intellectual, scientific and environmental rewards. The first edition was held in 2007/08; the second in 2010/11 and the third in 2014/15. Until now the regatta was non-stop, making the brand-new stopover in Sydney an exciting new racing feature.

About the Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona (FNOB)

The Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona (FNOB) is Barcelona’s own transoceanic sailing foundation, a public institution launched in 2005. It was set up to develop top-flight projects built along four key strategic strands: Sport, Education & Training, Science and Business & Industry, in collaboration with Barcelona’s universities, institutions and the business sector. The foundation, alongside Barcelona City Council, Fira Barcelona, the Port of Barcelona and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, has organised a number of transoceanic regattas, with the Barcelona World Race taking centre stage. The two-crew race, which is now into its fourth edition, was first held in 2007 and is now a pillar among the world’s great sailing competitions alongside the Vendée Globe, and part of the IMOCA OCEAN MASTERS World Championships. Through the FNOB, the Barcelona World Race collaborates with local and international scientific institutions to provide invaluable data to the scientific community, collected during the regatta using specialist instruments, especially in some of the remotest corners of the planet.La Barcelona World Race es una regata de vuelta al mundo a vela a dos (con dos tripulantes por barco: patrón y copatrón) con salida y llegada en Barcelona en dos etapas: Barcelona – Sídney – Barcelona. Además, es un evento de ciudad que sintoniza los valores del mar, la navegación y el deporte con el espíritu de Barcelona y sus ciudadanos. Este año la regata ha cumplido 10 años, convirtiéndose en uno de los principales referentes de la navegación oceánica en el mundo. Se trata de un reto deportivo y una aventura oceánica que pone a prueba los límites humanos: los barcos de la regata recorren alrededor de 25.000 millas náuticas teóricas, en una navegación alrededor del globo. Creada y organizada por la FNOB, forma parte del Campeonato del Mundo de la clase IMOCA, con coeficiente 8, y tiene la categoría ISAF Major Event. La Barcelona World Race ha desarrollado además un modelo propio como regata transversal que proyecta el deporte hacia la educación, la ciencia y la industria, generando riqueza en actividad económica y en valores intelectuales, científicos y medioambientales. La primera edición se celebró en el año 2007/08, la segunda en 2010/11 y la tercera en 2014/15. Hasta ahora los skippers (regatistas) participantes en la Barcelona World Race siempre habían dado la vuelta al mundo sin escalas.

Sobre la Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona (FNOB)
La Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona (FNOB) es una institución pública creada en 2005 con el objetivo de desarrollar, en el territorio y a través de la vela oceánica, proyectos de valor entorno a sus cuatro ejes estratégicos: el Deporte, la Formación, la Ciencia y la Empresa/Industria, contando para ello con la implicación y colaboración del tejido universitario, institucional y empresarial de Barcelona. La entidad -constituida por el Ajuntament de Barcelona, Fira de Barcelona, Port de Barcelona y la Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona- ha organizado varias regatas oceánicas, entre las que destaca la Barcelona World Race, una vuelta al mundo a dos que, con tres ediciones a sus espaldas, la primera de ellas en 2007, se ha convertido en uno de los pilares, junto con la Vendée Globe, del Campeonato del Mundo IMOCA OCEAN MASTERS. A través de la FNOB, la Barcelona World Race colabora con instituciones científicas locales e internacionales para poner a disposición de la comunidad científica los datos obtenidos en el transcurso de la regata en su paso por zonas especialmente sensibles en los océanos.



BWR 2018-2019 TEASER

Daniel Ferrando:


Barcelona World Race 05.12.2017


The new Barcelona World Race to be unveiled

The fourth edition of the round the world regatta, starting and finishing in Barcelona is in preparation, packed full of new sporting and organisational features, including a format change with a stopover in Sydney and a new Regatta Control Centre in Barcelona.

Date: Wednesday 13th December 2017
Time: 15:45 International presentation of the Barcelona World Race 2018/19
Location: FNOB headquarters – Moll de Llevant, 1. 08039 Barcelona (opposite the W Hotel)

Next Wednesday, 13th December at 15:45 (local time), the FNOB (Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona) will host the official media presentation of the Barcelona World Race 2018/19, starting in Barcelona on the 12th of January 2019.

This thrilling race, which turned ten years old this November 2017, has put Barcelona on the transoceanic yacht racing map, as the regatta shifts onto an even more international course for its fourth edition.

The Notice of Race, the framework document for the development of this race, prepared by Race Director Jacques Caraës and his race management team will be outlined at the presentation. The new rules see the introduction of significant modifications for Barcelona’s double-handed round-the-world challenge. For the first time, the IMOCA 60s will complete a circumnavigation of the globe across two legs (Barcelona-Sydney-Barcelona). The Australian stopover will also be an opportunity for teams to substitute a co-skipper, which will intensify the competitive edge and push the yachts closer to the limit for the entire route.

We look forward to seeing you at the presentation of the Barcelona World Race, where details of the new format will be given, as well as the location of the Race Control Centre in Barcelona and some of the names of the teams signed up so far will also be announced.


– 15:45 – Press conference to present the Barcelona World Race 2018/19

o Julia Casanueva, President of the Spanish Sailing Federation (RFEV)
o Antoine Mermod, President of the IMOCA Class
o Xosé-Carlos Fernández, CEO of the FNOB
o Jacques Caraës, Race Director of the Barcelona World Race

The presentation will also be attended by skippers, team captains and representatives of sporting institutions.

Please RSVP and to arrange interviews or request further information please contact:

Daniel Ferrando:
Irene García-Arnau (Arenalia) + 34 687 69 57 10 ·
Lluís Gubern (Arenalia) + 34 699 56 39 54 ·

About the Barcelona World Race

The Barcelona World Race is a double-handed (two crew – skipper and co-skipper) round the world regatta, starting and finishing in Barcelona, with two legs: Barcelona – Sydney – Barcelona. The event is a highlight in the Barcelona sporting and cultural calendar, where the sea, sailing, sport the spirit of Barcelona and its citizens come together in a grand celebration. The regatta turned 10 years old this November 2017 and notching up three editions so far, it has become a cornerstone event in the worldwide transoceanic yacht racing calendar. This is a sporting challenge, a transoceanic adventure which pushes human strength and endurance to the limit. The yachts race round the world on a route some of 26,000 nautical miles (48,152 km) in length. Created and organised by the FNOB, the competition is part of the IMOCA Ocean Masters World Championship and is classified as an ISAF Major Event. The Barcelona World Race has also developed a highly-successful cross-sectional model; bringing sport, education, science and industry together, generating not only economic wealth, but also intellectual, scientific and environmental rewards. The first edition was held in 2007/08; the second in 2010/11 and the third in 2014/15. Until now the regatta was non-stop, making the brand-new stopover in Sydney an exciting new racing feature.

About the Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona (FNOB)

The Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona (FNOB) is Barcelona’s own transoceanic sailing foundation, a public institution launched in 2005. It was set up to develop top-flight projects built along four key strategic strands: Sport, Education & Training, Science and Business & Industry, in collaboration with Barcelona’s universities, institutions and the business sector. The foundation, alongside Barcelona City Council, Fira Barcelona, the Port of Barcelona and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, has organised a number of transoceanic regattas, with the Barcelona World Race taking centre stage. The two-crew race, which is now into its fourth edition, was first held in 2007 and is now a pillar among the world’s great sailing competitions alongside the Vendée Globe, and part of the IMOCA OCEAN MASTERS World Championships. Through the FNOB, the Barcelona World Race collaborates with local and international scientific institutions to provide invaluable data to the scientific community, collected during the regatta using specialist instruments, especially in some of the remotest corners of the planet.



Barcelona World Race 24.11.2017

The Barcelona World Race names Jacques Caraës as Race Director
At 14 months from the start of the regatta, the Barcelona World Race 2018/19 has put together the Race Management team, which will be headed up by Jacques Caraës who will be joined by Guillaume Evrard, Hubert Lemmonier and Javier Villalonga.

Jacques Caraës is back in the directing seat, where he’ll take the leading role in sporting development of the regatta and make key decisions on skipper safety. Caraës is returning to the role after his magnificent work in the previous edition. With this appointment, the Barcelona World Race 2018/19 now boasts an international expert in his field. He will again be joined by Hubert Lemonnier and Guillaume Evrard on the operational side, who have been involved in the two previous editions of the competition (in 2010/11 with Denis Horeau). The pair also worked alongside Caraës as Race Director in the most recent edition of the Vendee Globe. Javier Vilallonga, the current Director of the FNOB Transoceanic Sailing Base is also joining the team; Javier is an expert on all things IMOCA, the yachts sailed round the world by the skippers in the Barcelona World Race.

Caraës and his team make up the most experienced international oceanic race direction team currently in existence. Together the team have thousands of hours of experience tracking, checking and solving problems for sailors in some of the world’s most remote waters. “This was a vote of confidence in our work and I feel honoured”, said Caraës. “Returning to Barcelona and the Barcelona World Race to work with the FNOB team again is really exciting”

The new Barcelona World Race format is also new for the Race Directors. Caraës says it’s a boost for the regatta which he thinks will mean a greater international reach for the event and open up new possibilities for the round the world competition. “The Sydney stopover is a great addition, as is the opportunity to substitute a co-skipper for the second leg. The stopover means that the skippers will be able to push the boats to full throttle and then have an opportunity to fine-tune halfway on the stopover. It’s great for the teams both in a sporting sense and from a technical point of view”.

Caraës also commented on the fact that the Barcelona World Race and Vendée Globe complement each other on the IMOCA calendar: “The Barcelona World Race adds strength and balance to the racing programme and it offers an opportunity for new skippers to race, which is very necessary in the IMOCA Class. The fact that this regatta is now in its fourth edition shows that it now has a consolidated position on the calendar”.

Caraës plan to travel to Barcelona in December to begin planning with the FNOB team.


Barcelona World Race 14.11.2017


The 11th of November marked the tenth anniversary and start of the first edition of the double handed round the world race. The forthcoming 2018-2019 edition of the race has a renewed format.

The presentation of the Barcelona World Race 2018-2019 will take place on the 28th of November at 11:30 am at the Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona headquarters.

Within the next few days, you will receive the official media announcement with further details of the event.

DATE: 28th  November 2017
TIME: 11:30h (CET)
PLACE: Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona headquarters
Antic Edifici de Remolcadors
Moll de Llevant, 1 – 08039 Barcelona
More information and attendance