Schlagwortarchiv für: Gardasee

Moth: 1. Tag Weltmeisterschaft 2021 Gardasee

Moth: Weltmeisterschaft 1. Tag Tom Slingsby und Ian Jensen beide AUS mit 3 Tagessiegen, Fabian Gielen GER 4668 auf Platz 13 !


Eine stabile Ora mit 8 bis 12 Knoten ermöglichte alle 6 geplanten Rennen mit starken Leistungen von Tom Slingsby, Australien, und Iain Jensen, Australien.

Paul Goodison Grossbritanien

Heute fand in der Fraglia Vela Malcesine am Ufer des Gardasees der erste Tag der Mottenweltmeisterschaft „ Redoro Frantoi Veneti “ statt; Über 150 Athleten aus mehr als 24 Nationen waren auf dem Wasser, um es auf Foils zu toppen.

Angesichts der sehr hohen Meldezahl,  wurden die Boote in zwei gleich große Flotten aufgeteilt: die gelbe und die blaue Flotte.
Sechs Rennen wurden mit dem ersten Start um 14:25 Uhr ausgetragen, um der Ora Zeit zu geben, sich zu stabilisieren: 2 für die Gelbe Flotte, 3 für die Blaue und ein letztes für die Gelben.

Die Brise zwischen 8 und 12 Knoten erwies sich als perfekt, um das Talent einiger der besten Segler der Welt hervorzuheben, das dieser Wettbewerb zusammengebracht hat.

Die gelbe Flotte sah Tom Slingsby aus Australien nach 3 Rennen mit 3 ersten Plätzen an der Spitze der Gesamtwertung, alle mit einem Vorsprung vor dem zweiten.
Aktuell Zweiter in der gleichen Flotte ist Paul Goodison , England, dicht gefolgt vom italienischen Olympiasieger in Tokio Ruggero Tita .

In der Blue-Flotte finden wir Iain Jensen , Australien, an erster Stelle, mit einer Leistung, die der von Slingsby widerspiegelte.
An zweiter Stelle steht Kyle Langford , Australien; drittens, ebenfalls aus Australien, Nathan Outteridge .

Iain Jensen : „Ich freue mich über die heutigen 3 Siege am ersten Tag der WM-Qualifikation; der Wind war absolut perfekt und stabil für die 3 Rennen, mit wirklich engen Regatten. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, morgen für den zweiten Tag wieder aufs Wasser zu gehen.“

Der Tag endet in Fraglia Vela Malcesine mit der „ Funivie del Baldo Pasta&Beer Party“, einem gesellschaftlichen Ereignis, das einen perfekten ersten Tag dieser „Redoro Frantoi Veneti“ Motten-Weltmeisterschaft abschließt.

Morgen Warnsignal um 13 Uhr; morgen Abend ist das Persico Fly40 „Gala Dinner“ geplant, ein gesellschaftliches Ereignis, das hier im Fraglia Vela Malcesine stattfindet.

Von Marco Brandon Rossini




Hauptsponsor und Titelevent


Moth: Zhik Weltmeisterschaft 2021 Malcesine Gardasee Paul Goodison

Moth: Zhik Weltmeisterschaft 2021 Malcesine Gardasee

Zum Auftakt der Moth Worlds am Gardasee im August sind Zhik als neuer exklusiver Bekleidungspartner der International Moth Class Association (IMCA) zurück. Nach der kürzlichen Ankündigung einer Reihe von Offshore- und olympischen Teampartnerschaften belebt diese dreijährige Vereinbarung eine langjährige Verbindung und beinhaltet die Rolle des exklusiven Bekleidungspartners der Mottenwelten und europäischen Veranstaltungen.

Schnell und wütend zieht das spektakuläre Moth-Racing die Crème de la Crème der Weltklasse-Segler aus den olympischen, America’s Cup- und Ocean Race-Stammbäumen an, die sich anmelden, um ihre Rennkünste zu verbessern und um diesen viel verdeckten persönlichen Weltmeistertitel herauszufordern. Eine beeindruckende Aufstellung früherer Weltmeister umfasst Tom Slingsby, Paul Goodison, Peter Burling, Nathan Outteridge und Bora Gulari, die alle aktuelle oder ehemalige Zhik-Team-Segler sind.

Die Regatten zur Moth Worlds 2021 am Gardasee finden vom 02.09. bis zum 07.09. 2021 statt.

OK Jolle: WM am Gardasee FRA 11 Valerian Lebrun ist der Leader der Flotte

OK Jolle: WM am Gardasee der OK Jolle

Trinktag für die OK Dinghy-Flotte, da der Wind nicht zeigte.

Am dritten Tag der OK Dinghy International Regatta am Garda am Mittwoch war kein Rennen möglich, da Windmangel und dann weitere Stürme drohten, was zu einer Absage des Rennens am späten Nachmittag führte.

#Nach den Stürmen vom Dienstag, die laut Berichten die schlimmsten seit 120 Jahren waren, war das Wetter deutlich unbeständig, es gab noch viele Wolken und keinen Wind auf dem See. Nach einer zweistündigen Verschiebung änderte sich nicht viel, sodass das Rennen für den Tag aufgegeben wurde und die Flotte das kostenlose, kalte Bier genoss. 

WM Leader Valerian Lebrun FRA 11 mit nur 7 Punkten !

Die Rennleiterin Alessandra kommentierte: „Leider hat uns das Wetter nicht erlaubt, pünktlich zu starten, also haben wir auf 15 Uhr verschoben, aber der Donner kam und das Wetter war sehr schlecht, also entschieden wir uns, heute abzusagen.

„Dieser Kurs ist sehr höflich und lustig. Immer gut auf der Statistiklinie. Sie schieben aber immer auf der rechten Seite, und es sind noch keine Boote vorbeigekommen. Ich hoffe, dass ich alle ein weiteres Jahr wiedersehen werde.“


Michael Nissen, GER 852

Michael Nissen war in den 70er Jahren einer der besten deutschen OK Dingy Segler und ist 44 Jahre später zurück, segelt seitdem seine erste OK Dinghy Regatta und ist nach ein paar Tagen Training ganz zufrieden mit sich. Über den Winter baute er sogar sein eigenes Boot.

„Das erste ist, dass das Gefühl sehr gut ist. Das Boot ist konkurrenzfähiger als ich. Das ist eine gute Nachricht, denn es ist schwieriger, das Boot zu trainieren als der Steuermann, obwohl ich denke, dass der Steuermann mit den Manövern noch einen langen Weg vor sich hat. Aber es war nicht so schlimm. Im Moment bin ich nach sechs Rennen 7. Damit habe ich nicht gerechnet, also hoffe ich, dass es so weitergeht.

„Aber es macht großen Spaß, das Boot zu segeln und es gibt noch viel zu lernen und ich freue mich auf die anderen Rennen in diesem Jahr, die Dänische Meisterschaft, die Kieler Woche und die Deutsche Meisterschaft. Ich hoffe, an allen teilnehmen zu können.“

Die Ergebnisse bleiben seit Dienstag unverändert. Die Flotte soll am Donnerstag um 8.30 Uhr für die letzten beiden Rennen aufs Wasser zurückkehren.

Ergebnisse nach 6 Rennen :
1 FRA 11 Valerian Lebrun 7
2 GER 77 Soenke Behrens 13
3 DEN 21 Bo Petersen 16
4 NZL 599 Greg Wilcox 20
5 DEN 1565 Mogens Johansen 33
6 GER 7 Andreas Pich 37
7 GER 852 Michael Nissen 45
8 FRA 1859 Yann Vilein 45
9 GER 75 Dirk Dame 47
10 GER 5 Ralf Tietje 49

Full results here:

Photos: Emilio Santinelli/Circolo Vela Arco

Many more photos on the club’s Facebook page:


Melges 24 European Sailing Series Regatta in Riva del Garda

Melges 24 Europeans Garda


2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series
Riva del Garda, Italy – Final Day
Maidollis and Taki 4 are the Crowned Winners in Riva

May 21, 2017 – Riva del Garda, Italy – The second event of the Melges 24 European Sailing Series goes off with a strong Ora wind around of 18 knots that leads Gian Luca Perego’s Maidollis ITA854 (1-5-DNS today) on top of the podium of the event valid also as Melges 24 Italian Open Nationals hosted by Fraglia della Vela Riva in co-operation with the Italian Melges 24 Class Association and International Melges 24 Class Association.

Three races were sailed in the last day; two in the morning, under a steady Peler that progressively went decreasing, and one in the afternoon when the Ora allowed sailing the most exciting race of the regatta. Maidollis won the regatta with a race to spare and in Luca Perego’s team there was Carlo Fracassoli in helm, Enrico Fonda calling the tactics, trimmer Giovanni Ferrari and pitman Stefano Lagi in the crew.

Many changes in the final ranking happened thanks to the last race, which eventually took on the second position on the podium the American crew of Monsoon USA851 (3-10-1) by Bruce Ayres with Mike Buckley calling tactics, and the young guys of FGF Sailing Team HUN728 (4-27-3) with Robert Bakoczy in helm.

Andrea Racchelli, at the helm of Claudio Ceradini’s Altea ITA722 (5-8-10), after having won the first event of the 2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series in Portoroz and having concluded three brilliant races in the second day in Riva del Garda, slips down in to the fourth position.

Fifth position goes to the 2016 Corinthian World Champions of Taki 4 ITA778 (7-2-9/2-1-2) that, never scoring anything worse than a ninth place in the overall ranking and a second in the Corinthian one, are the most consistent crew of the Corinthian fleet and gain the first placement in the division. In Marco Zammarchi’s team the helmsman is Niccolò Bertola, Giacomo Fossatti is calling the tactics, Matteo de Chiara and Givoanni Bannetta are in the crew and Niccolò Bianchi is coaching.

The Italians aboard Taki 4 are followed at a short distance, with just one point of margin in the Corinthian ranking, by 2016 European Coirinthian Champion, Miles Quinton’s Gill Race Team GBR694 (6-6-8/1-3-1) with Geoff Carveth helming. Third place goes to the Estonian Tõniste twins aboard Lenny EST790 (12-15-12/4-7-4), boat that led their crew to win also the Melges 24 World Championship in Corinthian Division in 2006 and 2015, further than three European Championships.

After races, the crews attended the prize giving hosted in Fraglia della Vela Riva’s terrace, celebrating the winners with some good Italian spumante.

Next appointment with the Melges 24 European Sailing Series is scheduled for June 16th-18th in Marstrand, Sweden – the last event before the most expected regatta of the season, the Melges 24 World Championship that will be held in the Nordic waters of Helsinki from July 31st to August 4th.

Corinthian division

Full gallery of the daily photos by IM24CA/Zerogradinord/Mauro Melandri
The gallery of the prizegiving  by IM24CA/Zerogradinord

Each day, the IM24CA and Zerogradinord worked hard to bring you some action and updates via video, photos and text. Zerogradinord represented by Mauro Melandri and Silvia Gallegatti were pushing hard to deliver wonderful photos and footage to you daily. The latest news you can access at the official IM24CA Facebook Page.

For media photos please contact:
Piret Salmistu
IM24CA Administrator & Media Coordinator
+372 507 7217

2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series consists of the six events altogether. The first event was held in Portoroz in April. The second regatta will be sailed in Riva del Garda in Italy in May; the points for the third event will be collected during the Swedish and Nordic Melges 24 Championship in Marstrand, Sweden in June; the most significant Melges 24 event of the season which is also the fourth event of the series, will be held in the beginning of August in Helsinki, Finland, where the World Champion will be awarded; the fifth event will head to Medemblik in the Netherlands and the series will conclude with the sixth event in Luino, Italy in October.

Read for more about the series at
Event in Facebook
International Melges 24 Class Association
Melges 24 Italian Class
Fraglia della Vela Yacht Club

Any queries regarding the Riva event can be directed to:
Melges 24 Italian Class Association
Andrea Racchelli
Luca Babini

For further information on the Melges 24 European Sailing Series 2017, please contact:
Piret Salmistu
IM24CA Administrator & Media Coordinator
+372 507 7217


Day 2 in Riva del Garda -

Melges 24 am Gardasee


2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series
Riva del Garda, Italy – Day Two
The Wind Factory is back in action: three amazing races for the Melges 24 fleet in Riva del Garda today

May 20, 2017 – Riva del Garda, Italy – After a not so generous first day, the Wind Factory is back in action in Riva del Garda. Starting from the early morning, a steady Peler of variable intensity between 8 and 15 knots allowed the completion of three very fast races: in the end, a perfect day for the second event of the 2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series and Italian Open Nationals.

Gian Luca Perego’s Maidollis ITA-854 was, also in this second day of racing, among the greatest protagonists of the races: scoring the second bullet of the series, a second and a sixth, the Italian entry, already Melges 24 World Champion in 2012, maintains the first placement, chased by another Italian, Claudio Ceradini’s Altea ITA-722 (2-4-1) helmed by Andrea Racchelli, also boat of the day today. Just four points now divide Maidollis and Altea, and things may change tomorrow when, after the fifth race of the series, the discard of the worst result will be applied.

The Hungarian entry FGF Sailing Team HUN-728 (8-3-2) with Robert Bakoczy in helm climbs up to the third position, while Travis Weisleder’s Lucky Dog / Gill Race Team USA-848 (12-13-15), under the spotlight in this event for the presence of the 470 Olympian sailor and Melges 24 World Champion David Hughes aboard, slips down in seventh position after having closed as second the first day of racing.

In the Corinthian division, it was a stunning day for Miles Quinton’s Gill Race Team GBR-694 that, with Geoff Carveth in helmt, with a fourth and two bullets, tightly holds the leadership of the ranking, followed by Swiss boat Andele SUI-821 (6-4-4) of Jörg Hotz with a margin of nine points. The Estonian past 470 class Olympian sailor Tõnu Tõniste, helming Lenny EST-790 (8-12-6), completes the provisional podium.

Upheavals in the Corinthian ranking may arrive tomorrow, after the discard: despite having been disqualified yesterday, in fact, the 2016 Melges 24 Corinthian World Champions on Taki 4 ITA-778 (1-2-2) helmed by Niccoló Bertola are boat of the day today, showing the potential to get on the podium of their division.

The intention of the Race Committee, presided by Giancarlo Crevatin, is to benefit once more of the early morning Peler also tomorrow and this choice has found the approval of the experienced boat-swain Fausto Maroni from Fraglia della Vela Riva.

In the last day of the event, first preparatory signal is scheduled for 9.00 am. Sun should be eventually shining, allowing for a great closing of the second event of the 2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series in Riva.

Corinthian division

For the full gallery of the daily photos by IM24CA/Zerogradinord/Mauro Melandri please visit IM24CA Facebook page and Flickr account.

Real-time racing updates from Riva will be delivered to you across the IM24CA social media.Each day, the IM24CA and Zerogradinord will work hard to bring you mark-to-mark action and updates via video, photos and text. Zerogradinord represented by Mauro Melandri and Silvia Gallegatti will push hard to deliver wonderful photos and footage to you daily. You can follow all the latest actions and coverage of the event at the official IM24CA Facebook Page.

For media photos please contact:
Piret Salmistu
IM24CA Administrator & Media Coordinator
+372 507 7217

2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series consists of the six events altogether. The first event was held in Portoroz in April. The second regatta will be sailed in Riva del Garda in Italy in May; the points for the third event will be collected during the Swedish and Nordic Melges 24 Championship in Marstrand, Sweden in June; the most significant Melges 24 event of the season which is also the fourth event of the series, will be held in the beginning of August in Helsinki, Finland, where the World Champion will be awarded; the fifth event will head to Medemblik in the Netherlands and the series will conclude with the sixth event in Luino, Italy in October.


Melges 24 Europeans

Maidollis Takes the First Bullet

2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series
Riva del Garda, Italy – Day 1

May 19, 2017 – Riva del Garda, Italy

The spring is not much in the air in Riva del Garda, where the Melges 24 fleet has begun today the second event of the Melges 24 European Sailing Series.

During the Skippers Meeting in the morning the President of the hosting club Fraglia Vela Riva Giancarlo Mirandola welcomed the Melges 24 fleet in Riva del Garda, while the Vice Chairman of the International Melges 24 Class Association, Miles Quinton GBR694 was happy to see thirty nine boats from thirteen countries sailing for the points of the Melges 24 European Sailing Series and for the title of the Melges 24 Italian Championship. The Secretary of the Italian Melges 24 Class Association, Luca Babini was happy to announce the dates of the 2018 main event in Europe – Melges 24 European Championship – to be hosted from August 3rd to 10th at the same venue here in Riva.

Extremely unstable weather conditions, with pouring rain and wind that ranged from few knots in the morning to almost 35-40 in the early afternoon, forced the Race Committee, coordinated by PRO Giancarlo Crevatin, to wait until around 4 pm to give the start of the first race of the event.

In a day where the crews were almost resigned to a no-race due to the weather conditions, the experience of all the staff from Fraglia Della Vela Riva, and of the boat-swain Fausto Maroni in particular, allowed to sail in the end one exciting race with Peler wind blowing from the North with an intensity of 10-14 knots.

It has been a duel between Maidollis ITA854 helmed by the 2012 World Champion Carlo Fracassoli, second classified in the 2016 Melges 24 World Championship, and 2016 Worlds ninth best Travis Weisleder’s Lucky Dog / Gill Race Team USA848, with 470 class Olympian David Hughes, 2016 Melges 24 World Champion in Miami as well, calling tactics on board. After a whole windward-leeward of tight racing, a jibe set immediately after the second upwind buoy marked the difference and assigned the fist bullet of the series to the Italian entry of Luca Perego.

Third step of today’s podium goes to Lenny EST790, helmed by the Olympian Tõnu Tõniste, that was leading the fleet until the first upwind leg, but that couldn’t then keep up with the speed of Maidollis and Lucky Dog. The Estonian entry in any case secured the first placement in the Corinthian ranking.

The Corinthian podium is completed by Michael Tarabochia’s White Room GER677 with Luis Tarabochia helming and Eddy Eich’s Musto Racing GER803 with Kicker Schäfer in helm.

Tomorrow, hoping in more favourable weather conditions, the Race Committee hopes to run three races, with first preparatory signal scheduled for 10:00am.

Corinthian division

Day 1 photos by IM24CA/Zerogradinord/Mauro Melandri

Real-time racing updates from Riva will be delivered to you across the IM24CA social media.Each day, the IM24CA and Zerogradinord will work hard to bring you mark-to-mark action and updates via video, photos and text. Zerogradinord represented by Mauro Melandri and Silvia Gallegatti will push hard to deliver wonderful photos and footage to you daily. You can follow all the latest actions and coverage of the event at the official IM24CA Facebook Page.

For media photos please contact:
Piret Salmistu
IM24CA Administrator & Media Coordinator
+372 507 7217
2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series consists of the six events altogether. The first event was held in Portoroz in April. The second regatta will be sailed in Riva del Garda in Italy in May; the points for the third event will be collected during the Swedish and Nordic Melges 24 Championship in Marstrand, Sweden in June; the most significant Melges 24 event of the season which is also the fourth event of the series, will be held in July-August in Helsinki, Finland, where the World Champion will be awarded; the fifth event will head to Medemblik in the Netherlands and the series will conclude with the sixth event in Luino, Italy in October.
Read for more about the series at
Event in Facebook
International Melges 24 Class Association
Melges 24 Italian Class
Fraglia della Vela Yacht Club
Any queries regarding the Riva event can be directed to:
Melges 24 Italian Class Association
Andrea Racchelli
Luca Babini

For further information on the Melges 24 European Sailing Series 2017, please contact:
Piret Salmistu
IM24CA Administrator & Media Coordinator
+372 507 7217