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Pyefleet Week 11.08.2017


Dry weather at last and close racing on day five of Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week

Brightlingsea, Essex – 10 August 2017 – After the torrential downpours of and special all in handicap of Big Wednesday, it was back to the serious business of regatta series racing on day five of Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week in Brightlingsea. Although skies were still initially grey, conditions were much improved with a decent northerly breeze throughout the day enabling all races to be started on time.

Pyefleet Week is very much a family week and combines great racing for a wide range of classes alongside special opportunities to encourage the youngsters to gain racing experience. In addition to the closely fought 21 strong Cadet Handicap, there is also the Parent and Child Class in which those not yet old/experienced enough to race on their own can get their first taste of racing with an adult family member or friend. Special rules allow for crew changes in this fleet and several of the teams have alternating crews to ensure the kids don’t get too tired. The Mirror Class is also focused on the cadets and again many of the youngest sail with an adult to gain experience, including this week’s youngest competitor, three year old Josie Heppell who is sailing with Grandfather Steve Heppell.

The fourth race in the Parent & Child series was won by father and son Stuart and Tom Phillips who now lead the series by two points from Dave Youngs and grandson Finlay Appleton in a Topaz Race who were second in the race as well as now being second overall. Third in the race and now also third overall are father and daughter Stephen and Morgan Cross sailing a 2000.

The competition is cutthroat in the Cadet Handicap where Amelie Hiscocks race four win in her Optimist gives her a single point lead over Freya Gascoyne’s Laser 4.7. Second in the race and now in third overall and three points behind Gascoyne lies Harry McTiernan sailing an RS Tera Sport. Ed Eeles sailed his RS Tera Sport into fourth place in the race and he and Elizabeth Hill sailing a Topper now count seven points apiece with Eeles sitting in fourth overall on countback. Third in race four and now in sixth overall is James Edwards, also sailing an RS Tera Sport.

The Mirror Class not only has more World and Olympic champions in it than you can shake the proverbial stick at, but it’s also multi generational with three generations of several families racing. In race four Melissa Heppell and her son Louis Hiscocks took a narrow victory over husband Simon Hiscocks and daughter Amelie Hiscocks. Clive Goodwin crewed alternately this week by Anna and Zoe Goodwin, finished the race in second with brother Philip Goodwin crewed by Felix Goodwin third and Stephen and Josie Heppell fourth. In the overall standings Melissa and Louis now have a two point lead. Malcolm Goodwin, crewed by grand daughter Kaya Nawrot, is tied on points with son Philip and grandson Felix with Malcolm lying second overall on countback.

Just three points separates the leading trio in the Asymmetric Fast Handicap where the first to third in race four reflects the overall positions. Ben Clegg’s Musto Skiff claims first place with a single point overall lead from Nick Barnes and Neil Baldry’s F18 with the RS800 of Chris Bines and David Gibbons two further points back in third. Two further points back are Simon and Amelie in fourth.

The Brightlingsea One Design Class is equally tight with Clive Goodwin, Graham Sanderson and Mark Schofield’s race four win giving them a single point overall lead from Jeremy and Ollie Newman and Sarah Bines, who took third place in race four. Chris Matthews David Conlon and Ed Gibbons/Rebecca Bines came second in the race and now hold third place with a two point delta.

Sixty one years young Pete Purkiss is showing the RS700 Class a clean pair of heels with a straight wins scorecard to lead the fleet by a point from Simon Redfearn who added another second place to his scorecard. David Bridle and Richard Goldklang are enjoying a great battle for third place with Bridle currently clinging to the third step of the podium by a single point with Goldklang fourth.

Father and daughter duo Andy and Sarah Bines took second place in the Fast Handicap race four but promptly discarded it as their worst score of the series so continue to lead the fleet overall from the RS300 of Ed Evans who won the race and is now just one point behind the leaders. Tom Taylor-Jones and Mimi Taylor sailing an RS400 took third in race four from the Hornet of Issy and Will Taylor-Jones, both crews are tied on six point with Issy taking third overall on countback.

Steve Williams has a straight firsts scoreline in the Laser fleet and Mark Schofield has straight second places ensuring them first and second overall respectively. Ben Powell, Richard Herbert are Tim Ashworth are battling it out for third place. Powell took third in the race putting him on equal points with Herbert but into third on countback while Ashworth is a single point behind them.

Alex Clarke’s race win in his Laser Radial means he now leads the Laser Handicap fleet by one point from Joshua Davies‘ 4.7, with the Laser Radial of Alex Lightly in third.

Although race four in the Slow Handicap was won by brother and sister Jessica and Chris Rust, Cadets Rebecca Bines and Connie Hughes sailing an RS200 took second place and continue to lead the fleet by a single point from Brian Allen’s RS Aero 7. Paul Aldridge ripped his Solo mainsail and was forced to retire but discards that results and continues to hold third place overall, one point behind Allen.

Blake and Brett Tudor sailing an RS Feva XL took their second win of the regatta in Slow Handicap A, where Charlotte Bate sailing a Topaz finished second and the Wivenhoe One Design of David Tourhay and Lionel Scutcher was third. In the overalls the Tudor brothers lead the class by one point from Tourhay and Scutcher with Harry McTiernan and Brooke Hastings both sailing RS Tera Sports, three points behind them but in third and fourth after countback.

After sailing the competitors came together for a laid back curry supper hosted by the Laser fleet.

The regatta continues until Saturday 12 August. Further information and full results are available from or by contacting Fiona Brown on or 07711 718470.



Pyefleet Week 10.08.2017


Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week Big Wednesday Hits The Spot Despite Torrential Rain

The heavens opened and the rain never really stopped on Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week Big Wednesday sponsored by AOC, Just Trays and Deltech, but the competitors and club rose to the occasion to make it one of the best Big Wednesdays ever.

Brightlingsea, Essex – 9 August 2017 – Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week Big Wednesday sponsored by AOC, Just Trays and Deltech UK proved to be an excessively damp affair with near record breaking rainfall.

The regatta’s Big Wednesday celebration is held in honour of the late Reg White. Reg was a life-long member of Brightlingsea Sailing Club, an Olympic Gold Medallist and multiclass Champion including two Tornado World Championships, a three-time winner of the Little America’s Cup and a legend in the local Brightlingsea One Design class. Reg was a great supporter of Pyefleet Week and, following his death inn 2010, Reg’s family created the Big Wednesday Gold Medal Race and annual Celebrations which now form the centre piece of the week and his children Rob, David, Mark and Sally and their families continue to run the evening’s festivities.

The Big Wednesday Gold Medal Race is a massed start all in handicap race which does not count towards the overall points. With heavy rain and a fickle breeze to contend with, races officers Alan Hicks and Craig Bond and their team did a terrific job of setting a great course despite the tricky conditions. Unsurprisingly the atrocious weather put off a lot of crews, but 36 hardy teams refused to let a little bit of dampness ruin their day. Those who didn’t race took shelter at the club to watch the fun.

Although the wind was relatively light and very fickle, there was always sufficient to race and after a short postponement the fleet was underway. The local Brightlingsea One Designs (BOD), which this year celebrate their 90th Anniversary, were specifically designed with very big rigs to cope with the often light breezes encountered racing in the River Colne and its associated creeks, and so it was perhaps not surprising to see members of the fleet doing well in the race, particularly as the wind went lighter during the latter stages.

After a terrifically close battle victory and the Reg White Gold Medal Race Trophy went to David Conlon, Ed Gibbons and Sarah Bines sailing BOD C27 Rebel. Brother and sister Jessica and Chris Rust sailing an RS200 took second place with Danny Fox, Tim Hearne and Bob Hedger and sailing BOD C8 Egret.

The Gold Medal Race Trophy for the first Cadet was awarded to Rebecca Bines and Connie Hughes sailing an RS200 who finished in sixth place overall.

Ashore the organisers were facing a tricky dilemma. Almost 400 tickets had been sold for the Big Wednesday Beach BBQ and for a while it looked like the event could be a complete washout. But Brightlingsea Sailing Club is famed for being run entirely voluntarily by the members and those members are a resourceful bunch.

With Regatta Chairman David Gibbons overseeing operations, extra marquees were loaned by members to provide covered dining areas on the beach, extra tables were set up in the cadet room and upstairs lounge, the big BBQs were moved under shelter, food service was transferred to the galley and the band set up in the club instead of outside.

With the majority adding wellies to their Caribbean beach party outfits somehow they all managed to fit into the club house and marquees and the atmosphere was amazing. „I’d always said that if we got bad weather we’d be forced to cancel, but actually this has probably been one of the best Big Wednesday Parties ever.“ Said Rob White during a brief break from the dancing. „It just goes to show what the club can do when we pull together. I can’t believe how well its gone.“ Added a relieved David Gibbons who had worked his socks off with the team to ensure the evening still went ahead.

Thursday will see a return to series racing and once again the entrants will be divided into two groups with one racing in the morning and the other in the afternoon. The forecast is for the rain to finally retreat around mid-morning and for the north/north-easterly wind to range from 12 gusting 20 mph in the morning to 10 gusting 15 mph in the afternoon.

The regatta continues until Saturday 12 August. Further information and full results are available from or by contacting Fiona Brown on or 07711 718470.

Peyfleetweek 2017

Pyefleet Week 2017 08.08.2017


Mixed Conditions On Day Two Of Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week 2017

Brightlingsea Harbour Commission Monday brings mixed conditions, family rivalry and fun partying on day two of Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week 2017

Brightlingsea, Essex – 7 August 2017 – The second day of Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week was sponsored by Brightlingsea Harbour Commission and featured not only the second race of the series for all classes, but also Brightlingsea One Design (BOD) Night, one of the social highlights of the regatta. This year the BOD Celebrates its 90th Anniversary and the pairing of Brightlingsea Harbour Day with the BOD Party is extremely apt, as the Harbour Commission also celebrates its 90th Anniversary this year.

The skies were overcast for much of the day and the initially west-south-westerly wind went from mid teens in the morning through to sub ten knots and north-westerly by mid afternoon. Although very shifty all races got underway on time and it was another day of nip and tuck competition.

The BODs might be 90 years old, but the level of competition in the fleet is truly exceptional with huge place gains and loses to be made from the slightest tactical error or boat handling fumble. Today it was the turn of Hornet and Tornado World Champion Jeremy Newman, crewed by Ollie Newman and Sarah Bines, to claim the victor’s laurels from Mirror World Champion Clive Goodwin, crewed by Graham Sanderson and Mark Schofield. Phil Rust, sailing with Tania Bines and Ollie King took third and on the water Chris Matthews sailing with Dave Conlon and Ed Gibbons/Rebecca Bines was fourth. Back ashore Matthews put in a protest against Rust relating to a downwind incident in which he felt Rust should have kept clear. The Protest Committee however, felt that Matthews had failed to give room and opportunity and so Matthews found himself disqualified, moving Joe Harman sailing with Kerrie Forster and Derek Gentry into fourth. Overall Newman and Goodwin are now tied on three points with Rust four points behind in third.

In the Asymmetric Fast Handicap the F18 of Nick Barns and Neil Baldry beat the SL16 of Ben Eddy and Matteo Chaboud with Ben Clegg’s Musto Skiff in third and the Tornado of Paul Mines and Stuart Smith fourth. Overall Clegg has a single point lead over Barns with Mines two further points back in third.

Freya Gascoyne and Amelia Hiscocks are setting up for a great battle in the Cadet Handicap. Today Freya beat Amelia meaning both girls now count three points. Third and fourth in today’s race were Elizabeth Hill in a Topper and the RS Tera Sport of Harry McTiernan, who are also now in third and fourth overall respectively.

One of the great traditions of Pyefleet Week is the Parent & Child Handicap (or child and adult relative or family friend). David and James Herbert sailing a Sprint 15 won today’s race from Stuart and Tom Phillips in their RS Feva XL with Tim Hare and Max/Charlie Hare third and Dave Youngs and Finlay Appleton fourth. Overall Team Phillips now have a three point lead. Team Herbert and Team Youngs/Appleton share second place on point and Team Hare is a single point behind in fourth.

The RS700s enjoyed a great blast around the estuary and although the race was tight, at the line the finish order today mirrored yesterday’s with Pete Purkiss leading Simon Redfearn and Dave Bridle home.

By the time the afternoon shift hit the water the breeze had dropped to sub ten knots and become considerably more shifty. With the tide now ebbing hard the race committee made the wise decision to give the fleet just one decent lap rather than risk sending them around a second time and loosing the race completely.


Andy and Sarah Bines once again sailed their Merlin Rocket into first place in the Fast Handicap Fleet ahead of the RS800 of Dave Conlon and Chris Matthews. Tom Taylor-Jones and Mimi Thomas took third place in their RS400 with the 505 of Shaun Seear and Stuart Curtis fourth.

To say that the Mirror Class is well stocked with chronic over achievers would be something of an understatement. Today Mirror Ladies World Champion Melissa Heppell crewed by son Louis Hiscocks came top of the heap, with Mirror World Champion Philip Goodwin crewed by son Felix in second. Hornet World Champion Malcolm Goodwin, father of Philip and crewed by grand daughter Kaya Nawrot took third place, while Melissa’s husband, double Olympic Medallist Simon Hiscocks, crewed by their daughter Amelie, was fourth. Never one to be left out Mirror World Champion and brother of Philip, Clive Goodwin, who is being crewed on alternate days by daughters Anna and Zoe, was fifth. For good measure Steve Heppell, whose claims to fame include being owner of My Alice – one of the fastest Oyster Smacks on the east coast, winner of the Royal Television Society’s Judges Award for Lifelong Services to Educational Broadcasting. and arguably the world’s leading expert on contemporary learning, was also out on the water sailing with three year old granddaughter Josie Heppell in her first ever regatta.

Josie is clearly loving every minute of the regatta, but Steve explained that he has employed some devious tactics to keep her engaged. These include nipping out before the start of the week and fixing a variety of plastic animals to the race marks, so whilst the rest of the fleet looks for Cocum followed by Mersea Wreck, Josie is busy hunting down the yellow duck followed by the green crocodile.

For the second day running Steve Williams and Mark Schofield were first and second in the Laser Fleet, with Tim Ashworth third and Ben Powell fourth. In the overall standings Williams leads Schofield by two points with Ashworth and Richard Herbert, who finished today’s race in fifth, tied on eight points for third.

In the Laser Handicap the Laser Radial of Alex Clarke, who won today’s race, and the Laser 4.7 of Joshua Davies, who was second, are tied on three points for the overall lead with Alex Lightly’s Laser Radial third.

Having missed yesterday’s opener, the Scorpion of Simon and Fiona Gillow from Chipstead SC revelled in the light airs, romping home to victory from the RS200 of Rebecca Bines and Connie Hughes with Paul Aldridge’s Solo third and Brian Allen’s RS Aero 7 fourth. Allen, Bines and Aldridge are now all tied for the overall lead on five points apiece. Just three points separate fourth to sixth with the Scorpion of Rhys Lancaster and Jane Somerville fourth, Nicky Henderson and her son Thomas Goodwill in a Buzz fifth and the RS200 of Eddie Bridle and Isabelle Fielding sixth overall.

David Tourhay and Lionel Scutcher’s classic Wivenhoe One Design won the Slow Handicap A Fleet from Harry McTiernan’s RS Tera Sport and Brook Hasting’s RS Tera Pro. In the overall standings Tourhay now leads the fleet by three points from brothers Blake and Brett Tudor sailing an RS Feva XL who are in a three way points tie with McTiernan and Hastings for second.

After racing the competitors came together for the BOD School Dinners and Disco Party, where fancy dress and classic disco dance moves were de rigueur. „Head Mistress“ Katie Holland ran a tight disciplinary ship, the Tuck Shop did record breaking business and much fun was had by all.

Tomorrow is CB Rigging Tuesday at Learning & Skills Solutions Pyefleet Week. The weather forecast promises a high chance of very heavy showers and winds from 6 to 12 mph and pretty much any direction between east-north-east and south-west. Tomorrow’s après sailing entertainment is a chilli supper followed by Nigel and Jackie Edmund’s legendarily fiendish annual quiz night.

Further information and full results are available from or by contacting Fiona Brown on or 07711 718470.