Vendee Arctique Kurs wird geändert

Vendee Arctique Kurs wird geändert





Angesichts der Vorhersage eines tiefen Tiefdrucksystems, das starke Stürme in die Gegend von Island bringen wird, hat die Organisation des Rennens Vendée Arctique Les Sables d’Olonne heute Morgen die Entscheidung getroffen, den geplanten Kurs zu ändern, um die Durchgangsrunde zu eliminieren den Norden Islands für die 24 Solo-Skipper-Rennen. Der geänderte Kurs wird in der ursprünglichen Entfernung von 3300 Seemeilen beibehalten.

© Photo : Alea – Vendée Arctique

Vendée Globe Arctique Les Sables d’Olonne Race Director Francis Le Goff explained: “ We set a gate to the east of Iceland so that we could guarantee a good, sporting course. It has become obvious since last night and especially this morning that the weather models show the weather getting worse with a depression which is very active generally over Iceland with winds in the NE of Iceland of 40 knots on the files which usually means more, certainly 50kts in the gusts and in a confined strait which is not like the open sea for example, with a lee shore (to the south) so it would be dangerous to take the boats through there. So we have maintained the course distance and moved the mark in the Atlantic and so likely still finishing back into Les Sables d’Olonne after 12 days.

© Photo : Olivier Blanchet/Alea – Vendée Arctique

Alain Leboeuf, President of SAEM and the Department of Vendée said, On this second edition of the Vendée Arctique – Les Sables d’Olonne, we hoped that the skippers would be able to circumnavigate Iceland for the first time, crossing the Arctic Circle. We knew that this innovative and extreme course was subject to change until the last moment, depending on the weather conditions around Iceland. After an in-depth study of the situation with the race direction and our expert meteorologist, we have decided on this modification of the course. It is a prudent choice. The primary duty of any organizer is to ensure the safety of sailors. As I said before we will not make them take excessive risks.

Altered course

Francis Le Goff

Francis Le Goff, race manager Interview

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Service de Presse Vendée Arctique –

Audrey TORT +33 (0)6 59 39 64 19
Caroline CONCETTI +33 (0)6 07 57 28 02
Matthieu HONORÉ +33 (0)6 30 54 42 90
Keziah PIERCY +33 (0)6 08 84 58 25