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Antigua Bermuda Race 2018 – Ein einzigartiges Rennen für alle

Das Antigua Bermuda Rennen 2018 beginnt am 9. Mai 2018, organisiert vom Royal Bermuda Yacht Club in Verbindung mit der Antigua Sailing Week. Das 935 Meilen lange Offshore-Rennen wird von der Bermuda Tourism Authority und Goings Rum unterstützt. Yachten von 40 Fuß und mehr werden unter den IRC, ORCsy, PCS und den CSA Racing Rules fahren, wobei letzteres geändert wird, damit die Boote ihre Motoren mit einer Zeitstrafe benutzen können.
Die ersten Anmeldungen für die zweite Ausgabe des Antigua Bermuda Race versprechen eine Vielzahl von Yachten, darunter High-Tech-Ocean-Racer, Luxus-Bluewater-Yachten und Performance-Cruiser. Darüber hinaus setzt Gosling Rum seine Unterstützung fort und sorgt für eine großartige Party in Nelsons Dockyard Antigua vor dem Start und eine unvergessliche Preisverleihung im Royal Bermuda Yacht Club. Es wird erwartet, dass viele der über 25 Teilnehmer der Atlantic Anniversary Regatta das Rennen in Erwartung ihres Julirennens von Bermuda nach Hamburg mitmachen werden.

Nach ihrem Erfolg als Gesamtsieger des RORC Transatlantic Race 2017 – der ersten Etappe der Atlantic Anniversary Regatta – hat Eric de Turckheims Nivelt-Muratet 54 Teasing Machine ihren Einstieg bestätigt und wird ein starker Anwärter auf die IRC Racing Division sein: „The Antigua Bermuda Race passt perfekt in den Zeitplan für Teasing Machine und gibt dem Team die Erfahrung des Rennsports nach Bermuda „, kommentierte Teasing Machine Tactician Laurent Pages. „Wir erwarten einen guten Widerstand, der viel Spaß machen und die Leistung des Bootes und der Crew verbessern wird. Das Antigua Bermuda Race ist anders als viele andere Offshore Rennen, weil es mit 935 Meilen länger ist als die meisten und die meisten Natürlich ist weg von den Einflüssen des Landes. „

Oyster Yachts Chief Executive Officer, David Tydeman hat bestätigt, dass es eine Oyster Class für das Antigua Bermuda Race geben wird: „Für Oyster-Besitzer, die mit uns zur Oyster Regatta in Bermuda vom 21.-26. Mai kommen möchten, könnte dieses Passage-Event ein großartiger Weg sein um die Reise zu machen „, erklärte Tydeman. „Austern werden unter der IRC Rating Rule und der CSA Racing Rule fahren, wobei die letztere geändert wird, damit die Boote ihre Motoren nutzen können, mit einer Zeitstrafe. Der Royal Bermuda Yacht Club verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung als Gastgeber des Newport Bermuda Race und Antigua ist das spirituelle karibische Zuhause von Oyster, das einen fantastischen Empfang und eine großartige Party auf den Bermudas garantiert. „

Jeremi Jablonskis American Hanse 43 Avanti war letztes Jahr Zweiter in den IRC und den CSA Klassen und kehrt voller Begeisterung für das Antigua Bermuda Race zurück: „Zuallererst hat man die Sicherheit, in einer großen organisierten Gruppe zu reisen, und den freundschaftlichen Wettbewerb bringt mehr Aufregung in unsere Passage „, kommentierte Jablonski. „Die Kameradschaft vor, während und nach dem Rennen macht es zu einem einzigartigen Ereignis, da man Renn- und Kreuzfahrtsegler gleichermaßen treffen kann.“

Webseite des Antigua Bermuda Race:

Australian entry, Tim Wilson's classic ketch,

Antigua Bermuda Race Final Day

Antigua Bermuda Race Concludes
A Thousand Miles of Emotions

Hamilton, Bermuda: May 21, 2017: The Antigua Bermuda Race organised by the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club in association with Antigua Sailing Week is a new fixture in the offshore sailing calendar. Supported by Bermuda Tourism and Gosling’s Rum. The race course is 935 nautical miles as the crow flies, but most teams covered 1,000 miles of the Atlantic to complete the challenge. The inaugural race started from Antigua at noon on Friday 12th May 2017. The highly diverse 21-boat fleet set off into the Atlantic Ocean with ample time to arrive in Bermuda to experience the 35th America’s Cup.

Well over 200 sailors from nine different countries attended the Crew Party held at the historic Copper & Lumber Store Hotel in Nelson’s Dockyard, Antigua with competitors enjoying canapés and cocktails provided by Gosling’s Rum. Antigua Bermuda Race Chairman, Les Crane, who was competing in his Farr 56, Monterey commented: „The variety of the fleet shows the wide appeal of the race and bodes well for the Antigua Bermuda Race to grow in future editions. The America’s Cup in Bermuda has ignited interest in the race this year, however it is a well-known route for yachts leaving the Caribbean bound for the Eastern Seaboard of the United States as well as destination in Europe. Our intention is that the Antigua Bermuda Race will be an annual event, popular with a wide variety of yachts.“

A light southerly breeze of 10 knots and warm Antiguan sunshine provided perfect conditions for the start. The variety pack of 21 yachts was an eclectic collection, both in terms of crew and craft. From the majestic schooner, Eleonora to the pocket rocket Pogo 12.50s, and just about everything in between. The fleet included ocean racers; new and old, as well as bluewater cruisers raced by passionate corinthians. The entire fleet started together and the Antigua Bermuda Race was born. Blogs from the boats started coming in, telling the story of their life at sea during the race: „Old school sailors! The tunes are on, chilled electro 80s by Ministry of Sound and the boys have had a beer considering the conditions. We have had roti for lunch. It looks as if we may set a kite soon and things are looking good,“ says Skipper, Ben Bowen on the Oyster 65, Rock Oyster.

The fleet enjoyed beautiful conditions for the first day and night and 24 hours into the race all of the fleet had passed Barbuda – the next land they would see is Bermuda, over 800 miles north. About 200 miles north, two low pressure systems were offering good breeze into Bermuda. However to reach the rich pickings to the north, the fleet need to cross an area of little wind. Several yachts elected to use their engines, retiring from IRC but still racing under CSA with a time penalty to come.

Three of the fastest yachts in the race continued to impress on the third day; leading on the water was Stephen Murray Jr.’s American Volvo 70, Warrior, ahead of British Swan 82, Stay Calm, skippered by Lloyd Kyte. Don Macpherson’s American Swan 90, Freya put in a spectacular 24-hour run. The three powerful yachts were the furthest west of the entire fleet hoping to get the fresh breeze, but only one yacht managed to hook into the low pressure system, leaving the rest of the fleet in their wake.
Stephen Murray Jr.’s American Volvo 70, Warrior finished the 2017 Antigua Bermuda Race on Tuesday 16 May 2017 just after 08 hrs 30 mins ADT, taking Monohull Line Honours and setting the new race record for the Antigua Bermuda Race of 3 days 20 hours 32 mins & 41secs. Warrior is operated by the non-profit US Merchant Marine Academy Foundation for the benefit of the Warrior Sailing Program which helps wounded veterans to maximize their potential through the sport of sailing. After all yachts had been accounted for, and after time correction, Warrior was also the winner of both IRC and CSA.

Warrior crew for the Antigua Bermuda Race: Stephen Murray, Jr, Ben Bardwell, Jackson Benvenutti, Dann Cahoon, Jesse Fielding, Karl Funk, Christopher Lewis, Ben Lynch, Jan Majer, Will Oxley, Tony Pearce, Ralf Steitz and Chris Welch.

„It was a great ride,“ smiled skipper Stephen Murray Jr. „Will (Oxley) did a great job of hooking us into the pressure between the two highs and the weather scenario now looks hard for the other guys. This has been an unbelievable experience. I have been waiting to get offshore with this boat since we got her and we want to do a lot more. I knew she was fast, but I had no idea how fast. We are staying in Bermuda for the week and hope to see some of the America’s Cup boats while we are here.“

It was over 12 hours before another yacht crossed the finish line. Nigel Irens-designed 78ft Catamaran, Allegra crewed by members of the St.Moritz Yacht Club Switzerland recorded a multihull record for the race of 4 days 09 hours 43 mins & 59 secs.

Jeremi Jablonski’s American Hanse 43, Avanti were delighted to take second place for the race in CSA and IRC. „Fantastic!“ exclaimed Jablonski. „It is a surprise because we have never raced in such a diverse fleet, so it is difficult to set your expectations when you are racing Volvo 70s, schooners and family cruising boats. The weather had a tremendous impact on the performance of the fleet. We are one of the smallest and slowest boats and if it had been heavy weather it would have suited the bigger, faster boats. The last time we were in Bermuda we had to divert here with a broken rudder. The people in Bermuda were so helpful then and it is great to be back here to meet them again.“

Meanwhile a drama was unfolding 200 miles offshore. The Antigua Bermuda Race Committee were informed by RCC Bermuda Radio on Wednesday 17 May that Les Crane’s Farr PH 56, Monterey had been abandoned after taking on water. The crew were all safe and well having transferred onto the Volvo 60, Esprit De Corps IV from Québec which was close by and also competing in the race. The schooner, Spirit of Bermuda and Whitbread 60, Challenger from Nova Scotia were also monitoring the situation.

„We are saddened by the news, but we know Past Commodore, Les Crane has completed many miles of ocean crossings as skipper and we know his decision is based on the safety of his crew, and we are glad all are safe,“ commented Leatrice Oatley, Commodore of the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club.

Esprit de Corps IV, skippered by Gilles Barbot finished the Antigua Bermuda Race on Thursday May, 18 after seven days at sea. For the last day and a half of the race, the French Canadian Volvo 60 had six extra passengers. Read the full story here:

Four classic yachts competed in the inaugural Antigua Bermuda Race. The magnificent 162ft schooner, Eleonora – an exact replica of the 1910 Herreshoff-designed Westward – took Line Honours for the Classic Class. Eleonora is one of the most famous and best-known racing schooners in the world and will remain in Bermuda for the duration of the 35th America’s Cup.

The Ballyhoo schooner, Spirit of Bermuda is the flagship of the Antigua Bermuda Race and she finished on the 18 May 2017 around midday. Spirit of Bermuda is owned by the Bermuda Sloop Foundation and since her launch in 2006, 4,000 Bermudian teenagers have sailed on her free of charge.

Carlo Falcone’s beautiful Alfred Mylne-designed 1935 ketch, Mariella was a welcome sight in the race. Carlo is one of Antigua’s most famous sailors and was the 2017 overall winner of Antigua Classics. For the race, Carlo had a small crew of old friends and family from Italy.

Tim Wilson’s classic 68ft Australian ketch, El Oro was one of the last yachts to finish the race but did so without using their engine. Subsequently El Oro won the Classic Class after time correction. Spirit of Bermuda was second with Mariella third.

At around midnight on the eve of the Prize giving, Jason and Judy Payne-James‘ British Dufour 45, Heartbeat IV crossed the finish line in Bermuda. The final team to finish the race under sail-power alone. Their ship’s log showed 1,007 nautical miles and Heartbeat IV has competed in every well-known offshore race in the Northern Hemisphere. Flying the flags of all those memories, Heartbeat IV settled into her berth at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club which will be home for the duration of the America’s Cup. Judy says: „We will be proudly waving the Union Jack and cheering on Sir Ben Ainslie’s Landrover BAR Team.“

Andrew & Sabrina Eddy’s Oyster 485, Gaia was the final yacht to finish the race. After almost eight days at sea, the team were still full of spirit and wonder at the memorable adventure they had taken together. The ethos of this race is not just about winning, it is about taking part. Here is Gaia’s final report: „It has been a busy few days on board Gaia having been hit by a thunderstorm at 4am on Tuesday morning while flying our spinnaker. This resulted in some slick crew work, leading to a goose-winging opportunity for the next few hours. We’ve been visited by a plethora of blue-ocean bird life, including long-tailed Tropicbirds, Pomarine Jaegers and South Polar Skuas. The crew have been busy practicing their knot-work, with many turks-heads and monkeys fists appearing round the boat. However their discipline has been slipping as poor laundry etiquette has been punished by unmentionables flying from the right spreader!“

A Prize Giving Ceremony was held at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club with honoured guests; Kenneth Bascome, Member of Parliament, standing in for The Hon. Michael M. Fahy, Minister of Tourism, Transport & Municipalities; The Hon. Nandi Outerbridge, JP, MP of Social Development & Sport; Pat Philip Fairn Chief Product and Experiences Development Officer at the Bermuda Tourism Authority, and Malcolm Gosling Snr, President & CEO of Gosling’s Rums and Malcolm & Sarah Gosling Jnr.

The 2018 Antigua Bermuda Race will take place in the week following Antigua Sailing Week  which runs from April 28th – May 4th.
Images from the Prize Giving:
Full Results:
Antigua Bermuda Race website:


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Preview video from Antigua and a start edit will be available on the race YouTube channel.


Provisional Results
Antigua Bermuda Race 2017
Place, Yacht Name, Type, Owner/Skipper, Hometown, Results, Total Points
CSA – Monohull (CSA – 17 Boats)

1. Warrior, Volvo 70 modified 70, Stephen Murray, Jr. , Metairie, LA, USA – 1 ; 1

2. Avanti, Hanse 43, Jeremi Jablonski , Wilton, Ct, USA – 2 ; 2

3. Freya , Swan 90 88 , Don Macpherson , Santa Monica, CA, USA – 3 ; 3

4. Heartbeat IV, Dufour 45E 44, Jason & Judy Payne-James , Southminster, Essex, UK – 4 ; 4

5. Stay Calm, Swan 82 82, Stuart Robinson , Hampshire, UK – 5 ; 5

CSA – Classic (CSA – 4 Boats)

1. El Oro (Classic), Auzeppy-Brennuer 68 68, Tim Wilson , Paddington, Aus – 1 ; 1

2. Spirit of Bermuda, Ballyhoo Schooner 87 , Michael Moreland , Hamilton, BDA – 2 ; 2

3. Mariella (Classic) , Yawl 79.5, Carlo Falcone , ANT – 3 ; 3

4. Eleonora, Gaff schooner 105.4 Peras Limited , St.Julians, MLT – 4 ; 4

CSA – Multihull (CSA – 1 Boats)

1. Allegra, Nigel Irens Catamaran 78 FastCat Ltd , Georgetown, CAY – 1 ; 1

IRC (IRC – 15 Boats)

1. Warrior (IRC), Volvo 70 modified 70, Stephen Murray, Jr. , Metairie, LA, USA – 1 ; 1

2. Avanti (IRC), Hanse 43, Jeremi Jablonski , Wilton, CT, USA – 2 ; 2

3. Freya (IRC), Swan 90s 88, Don Macpherson , Santa Monica, CA, USA – 3 ; 3

4. El Oro (IRC), Auzeppy-Brennuer 68 68, Tim Wilson , Paddington, NSW, AUS – 4 ; 4

5. Heartbeat IV (IRC), Dufour 45E 44, Jason & Judy Payne-James , Southminster, Essex, UK – 5 ; 5

ENDS/….Race Reporter:  Louay Habib


Heartbeat IV from the Royal Burnham YC

Tenacious finish – Antigua Bermuda Race

Tenacious finish – Antigua Bermuda Race

Hamilton, Bermuda, May 20: All teams racing in the Antigua Bermuda Race have now arrived in time for tonight’s prize giving to be held at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club. Tim Wilson’s Australian classic ketch El Oro, led the group of corinthian teams that have refused to put on their engines, showing tremendous tenacity in sticking to sail power only for over a 1,000 miles of light airs sailing. El Oro crossed the finish line at St. David’s Light shortly before 21:30 local time on Friday May 19th and in doing so claimed second place in CSA Classics and third in IRC.

El Oro was once owned by Baron Marcel Bich of America’s Cup and BIC pen fame and owner, Tim Wilson painted a picture of their frustrating lack of wind in their last blog: Lost in the vortex!

„We have managed to point El Oro northwards 3 miles, cumulative in the last two watches. Pointed that is, not quite sailed. There is no wind. Read that as NO wind. Or maybe just enough to roll from side to side; about a metre forward for each roll. Our skipper tells us that at this rate another 10 watches will be required to complete our remaining 34.2 nautical miles to the finishing line. He has the numbers wrong. We are finally moving. No. 1 headsail, all by itself. About 1.5 knots in the right direction, 32.9 miles to go. Hold on. Brace yourself, 2.5 knots…

„12 noon. Land sighted. A good sighting, but six hours later we still have10 miles to go. Fridge is nearly empty of food. 2.5 nm to go. A certain excitement. Two kites up. Mizzen and main spinnakers. We can see the lights on the line. There are 14 people on deck. Nearly all in the cockpit. Bermuda. La Fin! How good is this! No more miles, all smiles,“ exclaims Wilson.

At around midnight last night, Jason and Judy Payne-James‘ Dufour 45, Heartbeat IV crossed the finish line in Bermuda. Their ship’s log showed that the team of family and friends from the East Coast of England, had clocked up 1,007 nautical miles. Co-skippered by President of the Royal Burnham Yacht Club, Judy Payne-James, Heartbeat IV has now competed in every well-known offshore race in the Northern Hemisphere. She has a berth at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club for the duration of the America’s Cup and Judy says: „They will be proudly waving the Union Jack and cheering on Ben Ainslie’s Landrover BAR team.“

The final yacht to finish the Antigua Bermuda Race, entirely by sail-power alone, is Andrew Eddy’s British Oyster 485, Gaia whose crew includes wife Sabrina and 19 year old niece, Phoebe Cochran. This is the first time Gaia and the Eddy’s have been to Bermuda and they have raced here to watch the 35th America’s Cup.

The Antigua Bermuda Race will honour the winners at tonight’s Prize Giving Ceremony. However, the ethos of this race is not just about winning, it is about taking part, and throughout the race the stories told from Gaia’s blog have been testament to that. Here is Gaia’s final report:

„It has been a busy few days on board Gaia having been hit by a thunderstorm at 4am on Tuesday morning while flying our spinnaker: this resulted in some slick crew work, leading to a goose-winging opportunity for the next few hours. We’ve been visited by a plethora of blue-ocean bird life, including long-tailed Tropicbirds, Pomarine Jaegers and South Polar Skuas. The crew have been busy practicing their knot-work, with many turks-heads and monkeys fists appearing round the boat. However their discipline has been slipping as poor laundry etiquette has been punished by unmentionables flying from the right spreader!“

Antigua Bermuda Race website:
Race Tracker:
ENDS/…. Louay Habib

Avantis Rückkehr

Avanti’s happy return to Bermuda

Day 8: Antigua Bermuda Race

Hamilton, Bermuda: By 1000 ADT May 19th, five more yachts had completed the Antigua Bermuda Race, with two of those teams making the provisional podium for the race overall. The Royal Bermuda Yacht Club was a popular venue last night as well over a hundred sailors gathered to share a few Gosling’s Dark ’n Stormies and tales from their Antigua Bermuda Race.

At dawn on Friday May 19th, Jeremi Jablonski’s American Hanse 43, Avanti crossed the finish line off St. David’s Light, Bermuda and the crew were delighted to find out that they were provisionally in second place overall for CSA and IRC.

„Fantastic!“ exclaimed Jablonski after finishing the race. „It is a surprise because we have never raced in such a diverse fleet, so it is difficult to set your expectations when you are racing Volvo 70s, schooners and family cruising boats. The weather had a tremendous impact on the performance of the fleet. We are one of the smallest and slowest boats and if it had been heavy weather it would have suited the bigger, faster boats. In light airs, we were able to push really hard and maximize our performance without risk of breaking the boat. We are very tired, but also really pleased. The last time we were in Bermuda we had to divert here with a broken rudder. The people in Bermuda were so helpful then and it is great to be back here to meet them again.“

Nancy and Simon De Pietro’s CNB 76, Lilla crossed the finish line on Thursday May 18th just before 16:30 ADT. During the last part of the race Lilla emerged as a potential overall winner, but the Irish-flagged boat – with a team mostly from America – ran out of breeze, taking hours to finally cross the finish line. Nancy De Pietro, skipper of Lilla spoke about her love for Antigua and Bermuda and their race:

„Lilla’s sweet spot is 17 knots of breeze reaching, so we were quite impressed that she was doing so well downwind with spinnaker. Deep downwind is tricky, and we take a rating hit for poling out the asymmetric and that paid; we were making wind speed and sometimes harder, which was very rewarding. The crew work was fantastic. Seven of the crew had done the RORC Caribbean 600 together and many of us had done the Fastnet and Middle Sea Race together, and we really knitted in this race and the performance just got better and better.

„For me Bermuda is like a second home. Lilla has been to Bermuda many times and my Dad was stationed here during the Korean War and he fell in love with it and bought a timeshare when I was 10 years old. I have a soft spot for Antigua and Bermuda, so this race was an obvious one for me. These days there are not many 900 mile races; they are usually 600. There is a big difference. You have to manage sleep well and you have to be patient and persevere.“

Congratulations to the three Canadian teams that have finished the race: Gilles Barbot’s French Canadian Volvo 60, Esprit de Corps IV, Chris Stanmore-Major’s Nova Scotian Whitbread 60, Challenger and Morgen Watson’s Pogo 12.50, Hermes from Calgary, Alberta.

Four yachts are still racing in the Antigua Bermuda Race which is due to finish tomorrow when an awards ceremony will be held at the Royal Bermuda YC.

Antigua Bermuda Race website:

Eleonora im Anti9guua Bermuda Race 2017

Spirit of Bermuda – Antigua Bermuda Race

Bermuda, May 18:

The Ballyhoo schooner, Spirit of Bermuda finished the Antigua Bermuda Race on 18 May 2017 around midday local time.

The Spirit of Bermuda is the flagship of the Antigua to Bermuda Race and there is more than meets the eye to the 112ft three-masted schooner. Spirit of Bermuda is owned by the Bermuda Sloop Foundation, the brain child of founder Malcolm Kirkland, with co-founders Jay Kempe and Alan Burland. Since her launch in 2006, 4,000 Bermudian teenagers have sailed on her free of charge and the vast majority from State Schools. Spirit of Bermuda will proudly serve VIP guests, watching the 35th America’s Cup.

Crew on Spirit of Bermuda: Jeff Bennett, Blair Blakeney, Lindsey Cubbon, Dkembe Dill, James Doughty, Dylan Ferry, Jennifer Gibbons, David Goulbourne, Sandra Harries, Whitney Kirkland, Russell Medway, Myriam Mnasri, Mike Moreland, Patrick Perrett, Harriet Richold, Lamar Samuels, Edward Stovell, Charles Swan and Esmerelda Zanders.

Antigua Bermuda Race website:

Race Tracker:

Eleonora im Anti9guua Bermuda Race 2017

Majesty and grandeur – Antigua Bermuda Race

Majesty and grandeur – Antigua Bermuda Race

Bermuda, May 18:

The magnificent 162ft schooner Eleonora, an exact replica of the 1910 Herreshoff-designed Westward took Line Honours for the Classic Class, finishing the Antigua Bermuda Race just before sunset yesterday, Wednesday 17th May. Eleonora is one of the most famous and best-known racing schooners in the world and will remain in Bermuda for the duration of the 35th America’s Cup.

The beautiful 90ft Swan, Freya owned by Californian Don Macpherson and skippered by Bermudian Joph Carter, finished the race just after Eleonora and is currently second overall in both IRC and CSA.

Congratulations should also go to other yachts that finished the race, including John Marshall’s British Oyster 65, Rock Oyster; Ondeck’s Antiguan Farr 65, Spirit of Juno, skippered by Paul Jackson; Carl Soares‘ Bermudian Paradise 60, Morning Star and Carlo Falcone’s classic Antiguan 1938 Alfred Mylne yawl, Mariella. „Eighteen years ago, at exactly the same time, and from exactly the same place, Mariella was also heading to the America’s Cup venue; only difference being that instead of having to sail 1,000nm it was 8,000nm all the way to Auckland, New Zealand,“ says Carlo’s son, Shannon Falcone who was part of Team Oracle, winners of the 34th America’s Cup in San Francisco.
Crew on board Ondeck’s Farr 65, Spirit of Juno Spirit of Juno cracked open a secret stash of M&M’s to celebrate their finish!  across the finish line just as dawn breaking. „Thanks all round to Skipper Paul Jackson, Watch Leaders Zoe and Pete and a great crew. A wonderful trip!“ says on board blogger Mike Honner.

Out on the race course a terrific and somewhat rare battle is taking place between Chris Stanmore-Major’s Whitbread 60, Challenger and Gilles Barbot’s Volvo 60, Esprit de Corps IV from Québec. Both Canadian yachts are virtually neck-and-neck after time correction. The duel also has a bizarre element, in so much as Esprit de Corps IV is also carrying the crew rescued from abandoned yacht Monterey since yesterday morning. Esprit de Corps IV and Challenger are expected to finish the Antigua Bermuda Race later today, 18th May.

Antigua Bermuda Race website:

Race Tracker:

Anitugua Bwermuda Race Day 6

Allegra take Multihull Line Honours – Antigua Bermuda Race

Bermuda: May 17, 2017:

Allegra take Multihull Line Honours
Day 6 1100 ADT Report

Allegra, the Nigel Irens-designed 78ft catamaran skippered by Adrian Keller was the second boat to finish the 2017 Antigua Bermuda Race on Tuesday 16 May 2017 at 21 hours 40 mins and 53 secs ADT, taking Multihull Line Honours.
News from the fleet still racing is that Les Crane’s Farr PH 56, Monterey had been abandoned after taking on water; the cause is unknown. The crew are all safe and well having been transferred onto the Volvo 60, Esprit De Corps IV. The schooner Spirit of Bermuda is close by and both boats are making their way to the finish in Bermuda.
Allegra – Multihull Line Honours
Allegra crew, Paul Larsen commented on their race after the finish: „Allegra is made from carbon fibre and has titanium fittings and hi-tech sails, but also has all the comforts of a cruising catamaran and weighs 34 tons, so we need a lot of breeze to really get her going, and we didn’t get that for this race. It is great to have set the record and Allegra will always be the first, but I am sure a MOD 70 given the right conditions could complete the course in about 36 hours, so it is a soft record which is bound to be broken in the future.“
Outright sailing speed world record holder, Paul Larsen was excited to be in Bermuda. „We checked in at Customs last night and had a couple of Gosling’s Dark ’n Stormies and it felt like we were having a drink before the World Cup Final, or going to see your favourite band. Bermuda is just stunning and we are about to witness an amazing America’s Cup and I can feel the buzz of the place. Walking around town it almost catches you off guard how friendly everyone is, saying hello and eager to help. This is a really great venue and we are so happy to be here; this is sensational!“
Allegra’s crew for the Antigua Bermuda Race were: Allegra: Helena Darvelid, Charles Dearlove, Chris Dowling, Scott Gray, Rob Grimm, Adrian Keller, Paul Larsen, Andrew Nickless, Recaldo Thomas, Aris Ziros.

British Swan 82, Stay Calm is the second monohull to finish the race just before midday, local time on 17th May. Stay Calm passed St. David’s Light, but their corrected finish time was not enough to topple Volvo 70, Warrior from the top of CSA. Don Macpherson’s Swan 9,0 Freya is 54 miles from Bermuda and is expected to be the next yacht to finish the race. The first classic yacht to arrive in Bermuda is likely to be the magnificent schooner, Eleonora. With 50 miles to go, the 162ft gaff rigged schooner – an exact replica of the 1910 Westward, designed and built by N. G. Herreshoff – is expected to finish the 935 nmile race around sunset tonight.
Further back in the fleet, some 250 miles from the finish, the weather conditions seemed to have improved from the light airs of the last few days, as this blog suggests from Judy Payne-James on British Dufour 45, Heartbeat IV. Who is President of the Royal Burnham YC in Essex:
„Heartbeat IV team all in good spirits. Trying to get maximum pace in pleasant, but frustrating conditions. Currently flying our asymmetric spinnaker and up to 7 knots of boat speed. Dolphins to starboard and brie and bacon wraps are being handed to the crew. Last night was not quite as pleasant. A busy night with constant lightning all round, with a couple of major squalls. Wind from the southeast at 25ktns plus. However, now settling down but missing the sun today. All the team are well and looking forward to next couple of days.“
Meg Reilly from Canadian Ocean Racing gives a great account of the atmosphere on board Morgen Watson’s Pogo 12.50, Hermes, one of the smallest boats in the race at 40ft, which still has 280 miles to go in the Antigua Bermuda Race:
„Things tend to balance out at sea. Our previous hellish night of lightning was complemented by one of the most gorgeous sunsets we’ve ever seen. The sky glowed beautiful reds, oranges and pinks; colours so vibrant that photos don’t do it justice. We shook out our anxiety of storms, wind holes and negative VMG with a sunset dance party to Shakedown Street by the Grateful Dead! Shout out to the Reilly fam who raised me on good music (you’ll be happy to know there’s also another Tab Benoit fan on board too!).
„It’s amazing how complete strangers can become so close after just few days at sea. We’ve been through a lot together over this short week: Sharing midnight stories, frustrating moments, hairy scenarios and plenty of sleep-deprived laughs and antics. It is also pretty awesome how people from across North America, from all different walks of life, can come together as a team when you’re all ’stuck‘ on a vessel with a shared purpose.“

Antigua Bermuda Race website:

Race Tracker:
ENDS/…. Louay Habib