Schlagwortarchiv für: Moth Worlds

Moth WM: Tom Slingsby gewinnt die Moth Weltmeisterschaft 2021 auf dem Gardasee

Moth WM: Tom Slingsby gewinnt die Moth Weltmeisterschaft 2021 auf dem Gardasee !

Nach 2 Rennen gewinnt Slingsby zwei Rennen vor Schluss den Weltmeistertitel. Jensen und Goodison schließen das Podium ab; erster Italiener Francesco Bruni und erste Frau Josie Gliddon

Die  Motten-Weltmeisterschaft „ Redoro Frantoi Veneti “  endet perfekt: 
Das erste Warnsignal für die Goldflotte um 8 Uhr ließ die Athleten ins Wasser steigen, dass die Sonne noch nicht aus den Bergen herausgekommen war.

Am Nachmittag standen auch Regatten auf dem Programm, aber leider kam die Ora etwas spät, sodass nur ein Rennen für die Silberflotte ausgetragen werden konnte.

Am Morgen blieb das Drehbuch das gleiche: totale Dominanz von  Tom Slingsby , Australien, der den Titel des Weltmeisters in der Moth-Klasse zwei Rennen vor Schluss gewann. Zweiter Sieg in Folge für ihn nach der Weltmeisterschaft 2019 in Perth.

Zweiter Platz für  Iain Jensen , Australien. Das Podium schließt der Engländer, der Fraglia Vela Malcesine sein Zuhause Paul Goodison nennt  , der sich nach dem Unfall, bei dem er den Mast brach, glänzend erholte.

Erster Italiener  Checco Bruni , nach einem Super-Comeback, zweiter Italiener auf Platz sieben die Olympia-Goldmedaille in Tokio  Ruggero Tita und innerhalb der Top 10 die Fraglia Vela Malcesine Athletin  Simone Salvà  auf Platz neun.

Bei der Silver-Flotte setzte sich der Österreicher  Philipp Hribar  durch; Zweiter aus Dänemark  Frederik Just Melson  und Dritter der Kroate  Luka Dogan .

In der Frauenwertung steht  Josie Gliddon , Großbritannien, auf der ersten Stufe des Podiums und die zweite  Jo Aleh , mehrfache Olympiamedaillengewinnerin aus Neuseeland; beide Matrosen kämpften in der Goldflotte.
Dritte Frau bei der Regatta  Franziska Mäge  aus Deutschland.

Francesco Bruni : „Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Verlauf dieser Meisterschaft und dem Erreichen meines Ziels. Es schien nach den ersten Tagen ein Traum zu sein, und ich bin glücklich darüber, wie ich in der Rangliste aufgestiegen bin. Ein bisschen Bedauern bleibt für die Fehler der ersten Tage und für das zu wenig Training vor der Meisterschaft. Es war ein toller Kampf mit Ruggero, vor allem bei den letzten Regatten, bei denen wir sehr nah bei den Punkten waren; Ich danke meinen Sponsoren sehr für ihre Unterstützung“.

Ergebnisliste nach 14 Wettfahrten:

1 – Tom Slingsby
1 – Iain Jensen
3 – Paul Goodison
4 – Kyle Langford
5 – Francesco Bruni
6 – Phil Robertson
7 – Ruggero Tita
8 – Nathan Outteridge
9 – Simone Salvà
10 – Dylan Fletcher

Von Marco Brandon Rossini

Moth: Weltmeisterschaft Gardasee 1. Finaltag , Philipp Buhl auf Platz 16.

Moth: Weltmeisterschaft Garadsee 1.Finaltag , Philipp Buhl auf Platz 16

Eine im Vergleich zu den ersten beiden Tagen etwas verhaltene Ora lässt nur 5 Rennen zu; Slingsby wieder in Führung, gefolgt von den Australiern Iain Jensen und Kyle Langford

Nach 2 perfekten Tagen, heute anlässlich des ersten Finaltages der “ Redoro Frantoi Veneti “ Moth World Championship , blieb die Ora nur für 5 Rennen.

Eine 60-Grad-Winddrehung vor dem letzten Rennen, der dritten Regatta für die Silver-Flotte, ließ leider nicht das gesamte Programm abschließen.

Am Ende des heutigen Tages wird die australische Dominanz in der Gold- Flotte gefestigt, wobei 4 der ersten 5 Positionen von den „Down-Under“-Superstars besetzt werden.
Erster in der Rangliste mit 8 Punkten der übliche Tom Slingsby , mit zwei ersten Plätzen und einem zweiten; mit 11 Punkten Rückstand ist Iain Jensen und der dritte mit 29 Punkten ist Kyle Langford .
Erster Italiener auf dem fünften Tabellenplatz Ruggero Tita mit 35 Punkten.

In der Silver- Flotte finden wir nach nur 2 Regatten Frederik Just Melson , Dänemark an erster Stelle; zweitens Luka Dogan aus Kroatien und drittens David Smithwhite aus Großbritannien.

Ruggero Tita : „Es war ein schwieriger Tag, weil der Ora nicht der Klassiker war ; Ich muss an meinen Starts arbeiten, aber ich bin mit meiner Geschwindigkeit zufrieden. Bei der dritten Regatta bin ich leider kurz vor dem Start von den Foils abgestiegen und zu einem Comeback-Rennen gezwungen; zum Glück sind dies die Bedingungen, für die das Boot optimiert ist, daher bin ich mit den heute erzielten Ergebnissen zufrieden ”.

Der Tag endet im Fraglia Vela Malcesine mit dem “ Redoro Aperitif “ und der “ North Sails Pasta, Beer & Fries Party “ , einem gesellschaftlichen Ereignis, das diesen ersten Tag des Finales der Mottenweltmeisterschaft “ Redoro Frantoi Veneti “ abschließt.

Morgen Warnsignal um 13 Uhr; Abends gibt es Abendessen in der Speck Stube in Malcesine.

Vorläufiges Ranking

1 – Tom Slingsby
1 – Iain Jensen
3 – Kyle Langford
4 – Nathan Outteridge
5 – Ruggero Tita

Vollständige Rangliste

Für Live-Updates folgen Sie unserer Story auf  Instagram  und  Facebook , den Videos auf  Youtube  und den Artikeln in diesem Blog.

Von Marco Brandon Rossini


Moth Worlds 26.07.2017


Slow catch up for Qualifying fleets at Moth Worlds

There was still a lot of summer thunderstorm activity in the Lake Garda region but finally, racing got underway today on day two of the McDougall + McConaghy Moth Worlds 2017 hosted by Fraglia Vela Malcesine.

The 220 entrants from 25 nations were split into four groups, Yellow, Red, Blue and Green Qualifying fleets. Because of the lack of racing yesterday (Tuesday), racing was re-scheduled for early starts this morning (Wednesday).

When the first two groups left the shore it was a cool morning with semi-overcast skies and light to moderate but unstable breeze from the North and some big waves. However, this was not the usual reliably strong Pelèr and racing faced a number of disruptions during the morning session.

PRO Tim Hancock and his team from Fraglia Vela Malcesine did an excellent job of getting two races in for each group before the breeze shut down for its lunchtime siesta.

All fleets came ashore with the hope that the afternoon Ora would blow from the South, but not for the first time this week, we were foiled. So just two races were completed for each fleet.

The Yellow and Red fleets were sent out for a 08.30hrs start to catch the morning breeze. On the Yellow course, off Malcesine it was blowing 12 – 18 knots with some waves, causing a number of breakages and capsizes. By the second race, the breeze and waves dropped off to a more manageable 10 – 15 kts from the North.

Nathan Outteridge (AUS) won the first but suffered a broken stay in the second having to return to the Moth hospital onshore for surgery. Despite not finishing, he did get a score of 42 due to finishing the opening lap but it is a setback. Nevertheless, onshore Nathan remained up beat. “It’s not how you want to start your worlds but still.”

Ben ‘Patonator’ Paton (GBR) sailed two solid races scoring 2,2, but was a bit disappointed to lose the first to Nathan Outteridge by ditching on his final gybe to the finish.

Another favourite to suffer damage was Scott Babbage (AUS) who broke a push rod in race 1 to start on the back foot, but recovered with a bullet in the second race of the day.

One of the Corinthian sailors, Luka Damic from St Georges SC in Sydney enjoyed a great start to his worlds with a pair of thirds.

“We were on the Southern course early in the day and there were big waves and 14 – 18 kts of wind and I’m a big heavy guy, 95 kilos, so that suits me fine. For the second race the breeze started to drop off and the sea state dropped off which also suits me quite well so I managed to pick up two 3rd’s.”

Luka is racing a home built boat and is happy with his new rudder design which he built himself and was on trial for the first time, passing with flying colours.

Annalise Murphy (IRE) endured lots of capsizes in her first race but enjoyed a big improvement in the 2nd race with an 8th and is leading female overall.

On the Red fleet course the waves were a bit smaller and the northerly breeze a shade lighter 9 – 15 knots closer to Torbole.

Rob Greenhalgh (GBR) wasted no time with a bullet and a second. Fellow Brit and former training partner Dave Hivey, scored two excellent results as top Corinthian in the group.

“It was good fun, we had a decent northerly wind and some pretty big shifts but there was definitely a few holes in the wind. I need to work on my downwind speed a bit but I was pretty quick upwind and getting off the start line well. The main event for me is I want to be the first Corinthian.” He said on shore.

The overall leaderboard was stacked with sailors from the Red group. The talented foiler from Australia, Harry Mighell picked up two great results of 7,1 and Olympic Gold medallist Iain ‘Goobs’ Jensen (AUS) scored two bankers 6,3, although he wasn’t entirely happy with his set up. Steve Thomas from West Australia scored 4,5, and a young Italian sailor studying in Sydney, Gian Maria Ferrighi came ashore with a 3,7.

By the time the Blue and Green fleets went out mid morning, the breeze was already beginning to fade from 10 knots to 5-6 knots and the patches meant most sailors were having difficulty staying on the foils.

The first race of the Blue fleet was a bit of a Laser fest with London 2012 Olympic Gold medallist Tom Slingsby (AUS) taking the gun from Rio Olympic gold medallist Tom Burton (AUS) in 2nd.

Tom Slingsby also scored a bullet in the 2nd race of Red group to sit on top of the overall table on day 1 of qualifying.

“It was a tricky day with the dying breeze in the morning but I think more than anything I got the foil selection right, I hedged that the breeze was going to die sooner than later so I went big front foil and big back foil. In the dying breeze, I think that was what the big factor was.”

“The first race was a bit of a battle with Tom Burton and then the second race was up and down. Rob Gough caught right up but then I got back on the foils and he fell off, so I snuck a way again.” Tom said on shore.

Another amateur club sailor, Jim McMillan from Stokes Bay SC in the UK was a bit surprised to come ashore and see a 3rd & a 4th next to his name.

“I was pretty surprised actually to come away in the top 10 in my first Moth worlds race. I was actually a bit late for the start so I tacked off, banged the right-hand side and tacked to find I was leading at the windward mark.”

“But Tom Slingsby was very quick upwind and downwind, he got me on the second beat along with Tom Burton. But I was very happy to come away with a 3rd in my first worlds race.”

The Green fleet sailed in similar conditions to the Blue fleet, very light and patchy. This fleet was randomly loaded with three former world Moth champions. One of the hot regatta favourites, Paul Goodison (GBR) wasted no time chalking up two wins although he was made to work for it.

Behind him, ‘Pistol’ Peter Burling (NZL) was back out after some minor surgery over night in the Moth hospital. Pete was breathing down ‘Goody’s’ neck finishing the day with a 2,3.

The third former world champion, Josh Mcknight (AUS) sailing his own design of Moth finished the day with a very respectable 4,4. In this group, a number of sailors had one good score and one slightly average score but the conditions for the Blue and Green groups were tough even for the top pros.

The Qualification Series racing continues on Thursday 27 July with another early start for the Green and Blue groups of 08.30hrs (local time). Red and Yellow groups will not be sent afloat before 0945hrs. The intention of the PRO is to try and get at least 2 races per fleet completed.



Event website:

Fraglia Vela Malcesine:

Photos: credit Martina Orsini

Videos by Beau Outteridge Productions

Link to videos:

Link to VNR’s:


For more info or media requests please contact:

Jonny Fullerton at regattaservices at



Moth Worlds Garda 25.07.2017


Moth Worlds.

Mother nature disrupts play

Even at one of the most glamorous of sailing venues sometimes mother nature intervenes. A series of summer thunderstorms caused havoc with the regular breezes on Lake Garda putting an end to any chance of racing on day one of the McDougall + McConaghy Moth Worlds.

On Monday evening at a colourful opening ceremony where the local Fraglia Vela Malcesine club Optimist team kids acted as the 25 nation flag bearers, proudly parading through the streets of Malcesine to an opening ceremony at the picturesque Castello Scaligero, but the black clouds and thunder storms threatened.

Early on Tuesday morning for race day one, the weather was looking good. The morning Pelèr was blasting down the lake from the North with white water and clear skies. But as the first two groups of the fleet of 220 boats prepared to launch, some black clouds streamed in over the mountains threatening some wild summer thunder storm activity. The two race areas were experiencing big shifts in the breeze and anything between 2 knots and 15 knots.

The Yellow fleet did get into a start sequence but a big shift minutes before the start put and end to any chance of racing. Then a huge black thunder cloud loomed over the horizon from Riva del Garda shutting down the breeze and sending some impressive lightning displays over the lake.

Race Management had no choice but to ere on the side of caution and send the fleet home for safety reasons. Once the storms had cleared the skies cleared, the sun came out for a glorious evening but alas the breeze had shut down for the day.

The revised schedule for the Qualifying Series on Wednesday 26 July is for an early start for two groups (Red and Yellow) of 8.25am (local time). Blue and Green groups will not start before 10.00hrs (local time).

Event website:
Photo Link:
Video link:

Fraglia Vela Malcesine:

Photos: credit Martina Orsini

Videos by Beau Outteridge Productions

For more info or media requests please contact:

Jonny Fullerton at