Schlagwortarchiv für: Transat Jaques Vabre

Bilder: Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award 2021 X Top 20 !

Bilder: Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award 2021 X Top 20 !


Die 80 von der internationalen Jury ausgewählten Fotos sind auf der Website der Veranstaltung verfügbar.

Heute stellen wir die Top 20 vor, die dieses Jahr von italienischen Fotografen dominiert werden! Die Gewinner werden am 9. Dezember auf der Nautic in Paris gefeiert und die Preise von einem international renommierten Segler verliehen.

10. November 2021 – Nicht weniger als 126 professionelle Fotografen aus 24 Nationen nahmen am Fotowettbewerb des Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award 2021 teil. Heute verraten wir die Top 20.

Das Hauptranking, der Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award, wurde von der internationalen Jury bestehend aus Jo Aleh (NZL), Gilles Martin-Raget (FRA), Glenn Ashby (AUS), Nicolas Mirabaud (SUI) und Anne-Cécile Turner festgelegt (FRA).

Zu den Top 20 zählen einige der weltweit bekanntesten Segel- und Yachtrennfotografen, die auf der ganzen Welt aktiv sind. Der Gesamtsieger der Ausgabe 2021 ist einer von ihnen.

Italien gewinnt das Ranking nach Nationen mit fünf Bildern in den Top 20 vor Frankreich (3 Bilder), Neuseeland, den USA und Russland (2 Bilder).

Das Ranking des Publikumspreises, basierend auf der Anzahl der im Internet abgegebenen Stimmen (knapp 15.000), unterscheidet sich von dem von der internationalen Jury erstellten Ranking. Auch die Stimmen der Mitglieder der internationalen Jury waren sehr unterschiedlich, was den Reichtum der Segelfotografie und die Bandbreite an Emotionen und Reaktionen verdeutlicht, die diese Fotos hervorrufen.

Beim Publikumspreis dominierten Frankreich (6 Bilder), gefolgt von Italien und Großbritannien (3 Bilder), Russland und Ungarn (2 Bilder).


Top 20 Fotografen ( in alphabetischer Reihenfolge) :

Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image awardPublic award

Celi Roberto – ITA

Chittenden Michael – NZL

Christol Robin – FRA

Clarke Dylan – AUS

Cloutier Stephen – USA

Ferri Francesco – ITA

Forster Daniel – SUI

Gémesi Jóka – HUN

Hajduk Robert – POL

Harris  Rod – USA

Isaenko Valery – RUS

Melandri Mauro – ITA

Orsini Martina – ITA

Pozzetto Loris – ITA

Schurr Eike – GER

Sellier Benjamin – FRA

Semenova Marina -RUS

Tomlinson James -GBR 

Venance Loïc – FRA

Wilson Ricky – NZL

Altham Georgiana – GBR

Bonin Christian – CAN

Breschi christophe – FRA

Celi Roberto – ITA

Champy-McLean Alexander -FRA

Condy Patrick – FRA

Contin Pierrick – FRA

Czepulkowski Rafal – POL

D’Enquin Jean-Baptiste -FRA

Donatiello Marco – ITA

Gémesi Jóka -HUN

Green Sharon – USA

Lebec Gauthier – FRA

Makhanov Anton – RUS

Sarma Olga -RUS

Tesei Giovanni – ITA

Tomlinson James – GBR

Tomlinson Rick – GBR

Török Brigi – HUN

Wilson Ricky – NZL

Awards Zeronomie am 09.12.2021 at the Nautic


Die Gewinner werden am 9. Dezember im Rahmen einer offiziellen Zeremonie auf der Nautic ,Internationale Bootsmesse in Paris, am Stand von OC Sports – Le Télégramme ab 18:00 Uhr gefeiert. Medien- und Marinefotografen sind zu dieser Zeremonie herzlich eingeladen. Das Preisgeld wird gemäß den Regeln an die Gewinner verteilt, während die Sachpreise nur an die bei der Siegerehrung anwesenden Fotografen vergeben werden.

Die Preise werden den Gewinnern von einem international renommierten Segler überreicht.

Anmeldung erforderlich, vielen Dank im Voraus

Die Zeremonie wird live auf unserer Facebook-Seite übertragen.

Anmeldung hier

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The votes are over. Prize Giving ceremony : 9 December, Nautic Paris.



Transat Jaques Vabre 13.11.2017



Sodebo Ultim’ smashes record to win Transat Jacques Vabre
Thomas Colville and Jean-Luc Nélias on their maxi trimaran, Sodebo Ultim’ have won the Ultime class of the 13th edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre after crossing the finish line in the Bay of All Saints in Salvador de Bahia on Monday, November 13, 2017 at 10:42:27 (UTC), 7 days 22 hours 7 minutes and 27 seconds after leaving Le Havre, Normandy France. Sodebo Ultim’ sailed 4,742 nautical miles at an average speed of 24.94 knots.

Sodebo Ultim’ beat the previous record of 10 days 0 hours 38 mins set by Franck Cammas and Steve Ravussin on Groupama 2 in the 60ft multihull class in 2007 (the last time the race finished in Salvador) by 2 days 2 hours and 31 mins.



Transat Jaques Vabre 03.10.2017

03.10.2017, introducing a new favourite!, introducing a new favourite!
Beautiful, useful and responsive; the three keywords which encapsulate the ambition of the new Transat Jacques Vabre website. Already online and fully operational a month before the start, is the best place to go to get straight back in the swing of this queen of the two-handed transats. Here is a guided tour around the site with Vincent Esnaud, one of the designers.

The torrents of spray, the flares, the legendary duos in action…these are the images showing on a loop on the homepage that make us dream and plunge us straight back into the legend of the Route du Café. With a month before the start, the new site is a breath of fresh air for the 2017 edition. Its design prioritises images, but the approach is new. “We tried to push the boundaries and not be bound by the rules of ‘one text-one photo’”, says Esnaud, manager of Addviso, who worked in close collaboration with the race organisation and Désigne, the company in charge of the graphic design of the event. “The presentation of the event, like, for example, the timeline, has been treated like a real ‘web-doc’, mixing multiple media: text, photo, interviews, computer graphics, etc.” Esnaud explains. “From a technical point of view, the site was conceived from the outset to be „responsive”(multi-platform) and therefore autonomous: “it works on a computer, tablet or a mobile phone, which makes the existence of a dedicated app unnecessary.”

Engaging and useful

A month before the start, the emphasis is now on the history and the skippers, the 39 duos who will compete in the four classes. From the opening of the race village, on October 27 at 16:00 local time, the listing of events in the Bassin Paul Vatine in Le Havre will be clearly visible. “As the site is responsive, visitors will be able to know what is going on in the village and to keep up with the highlights of the day,” Esnaud says.

Three languages

During the race, which will start on November 5, it will be easy to follow the progress of the sailors as they head to Salvador de Bahia. Available in three languages ​​- French, English, Brazilian – the content of the site will mix stories, analysis and anecdotes, including the videos and audio sent from the competing boats. “Each piece of content will be geo-localised and visible on the map,” Esnaud says. “There will be a sidebar of social networks, run by Mille & une vague, and rather than having to go checking on Facebook or Twitter, all the posts will be grouped in a Social Hub.”

A site for everyone

Beautiful and dynamic, is also intuitive and practical. As normal, the press area will be where all photos will be available immediately in HD, along with the daily press releases, e-mail alerts and the newsletter.

Finally, in this new school year, how could not have an educational area for schoolchildren and their teachers? As Gildas Gautier, managing director of the Transat Jacques Vabre, sums up: “this new site leaves no one out. It’s a playful and practical space, well-designed and informative – in short, a superb communication tool, matching the level the event.”


Transat Jaques Vabre 21.09.2017


21. September 2017

Boris Herrmann startet Transat Jacques Vabre

Hochseesegler Boris Herrmann packt die nächste große Herausforderung an: Am 5. November startet der 36-jährige Hamburger mit dem Open 60 „Malizia“ unter dem Stander des Yacht Club de Monaco (YCM) beim traditionellen Atlantikrennen Transat Jacques Vabre. Die 13. Auflage führt vom französischen Le Havre über 4,350 Seemeilen (mehr als 8.000 Kilometer) nach Salvador de Bahia in Brasilien. Als Co-Skipper der Zweimann-Regatta kommt der Franzose Thomas Ruyant an Bord, da Herrmanns Segelkompagnon Pierre Casiraghi aus dem Fürstenhaus Monaco verhindert ist.

„Das Transat Jacques Vabre ist ein prestigeträchtiger Klassiker, von dem ich schon lange geträumt habe“, so Herrmann, „und nun habe ich mit der ‚Malizia‘ endlich das richtige Schiff dafür und ein starkes Team dahinter.“ Der YCM mit seinem Vizepräsidenten Casiraghi unterstützt die Kampagne des Profis maßgeblich, der 2020 als erster Deutscher an der Vendée Globe solo nonstop um die Welt teilnehmen will. „Mit Thomas Ruyant steht ein erfahrener Ozeanrecke an meiner Seite. Zusammen werfen wir weit mehr als 100.000 Seemeilen in die Waagschale“, erklärte der dreimalige Weltumsegler. Ruyant hat die TJV schon dreimal absolviert und war zuletzt 2015 Vierter geworden. Auch die Vendée Globe liegt bereits einmal im Kielwasser des Manns aus Dünkirchen.

Nach dem Erfolg der Regattapremiere beim Rolex Fastnet Race im August, als Boris Herrmann und Pierre Casiraghi Dritter von neun Yachten der IMOCA-Klasse wurden, geht es nun gegen zwölf Gegner. Die „Malizia“ gehört im Feld zu den Open 60 der neusten Generation, die mit Tragflächen (Foils) ausgestattet ist, und damit unter günstigen Windbedingungen aus dem Wasser gehoben wird, um höhere Geschwindigkeiten zu erreichen. Herrmann: „Wir optimieren das Boot ständig weiter und blicken gespannt auf diesen Langstreckenvergleich.“

Bei der Bekanntgabe der Teilnahme in Paris betonte Pierre Casiraghi die Bedeutung der Transat Jacques Vabre für die Vorbereitung des Teams mit Blick auf 2020. „Es ist enorm wichtig, dass wir bis zur Vendée Globe die internationalen Hochkaräter mitsegeln, um uns weiter zu verbessern“, sagte der Sohn von Prinzessin Caroline, der gerne selbst dabei gewesen wäre. „Und ich bin sehr stolz, dass die Farben des Yacht Club de Monaco erstmals bei dieser angesehenen Regatta vertreten sein werden.“

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Weitere Informationen und Fotos:

Andreas Kling


Transat Jaques Vabre 20.09.2017


A Transat Jacques Vabre full of promise
The calibre of the 39 crew and 78 sailors registered for the 13th edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre promises a high-flying competition, with a race of rare quality and depth. From Le Havre to Salvador de Bahia in Brazil, the four classes of offshore sailing boats (Class40, Multi 50, IMOCA60 and Ultime) will compete over a 4,350-mile course full of hurdles, squalls and excitement. Today, at the Pavillon Champs-Elysées in Paris, they were all present, eager to head out to sea, boots and oilies ready to cross the start line on Sunday, November 5.


Last stop, everybody onboard! This Wednesday, September 20, the great offshore racing family came together at the Pavilion Champs-Elysées for the press conference of the 13th edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre. It was a family reunion hosted by Xavier Mitjavila, President of JDE France, and Luc Lemonnier, Mayor of Le Havre, who immediately invited the competitors and the general public to come and celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Normandy city in the grandest fashion. October 27, the opening day of the 13th edition of this Route du Café, marks the culmination of several weeks of festivities in Le Havre, which saw the birth of the maritime and commercial routes to Brazil. And it will be around the Bassin Paul Vatine in Le Havre that the atmosphere will most passionate, with ten days of festivities and a warm welcome that the competitors and the general public always greatly appreciate.

The countdown has begun
There will be a keen edge to this Transat Jacques Vabre. From the abundance of Class40 duos (17), to the IMOCA60 sailors in a hurry to get back out to sea, with some exciting marriages of crews, all with different outlooks (13 crews), to the Multi 50, where they are champing at the bit to show what the foils can do (6 crews), to the 3 Ultime competitors, for whom this racetrack is the beginning a round the world voyage. From the suits in Paris to the boots on the pontoons of Le Havre, the hunger and smiles will be evident on faces of the skippers, who have started the countdown to the Transat jacques Vabre. D – 46 before the start.

To download
Entry List 2O17


Winner 2015
Le Conservateur
Yannick Bestaven & Pierre Brasseur
24d 08h 10′ 09“

FenêtréA Prysmian
Erwan Le Roux & Giancarlo Pedote
16d 22h 29′ 13“

Vincent Riou & Sébastien Col
17d 00h 22′ 24“

François Gabart & Pascal Bidégorry
12d 17h 29′ 27“

Soazig Guého
+33(0)6 62 08 75 44

Marie-Charlotte Pacaud
+33(0)6 83 25 61 27



Transat Jacques Vabre, 22.08.2017

With Karine Fauconnier injured, Lalou Roucayrol recruits Alex Pella to take her place on the Transat Jacques Vabre 2017

Press Release
Monday 21st August 2017

Karine Fauconnier suffered an injury during a training session on the Multi 50 Arkema in July. She will not be able to take part in the Transat Jacques Vabre race alongside Lalou Roucayrol, who therefore has had to find a new co-skipper to replace her at very short notice. And the choice fell on the highly experienced Spaniard Alex Pella. Lalou and Alex now have 80 days to get to know each other and become an effective team, ready to sail off from Le Havre on 5 November. Meanwhile, on land, Karine Fauconnier remains actively involved in the project, in charge of routing and weather strategy. In her words, “it’s now a threesome we’ll have to contend with”!

Changing a co-skipper less than three months before the start of a major event surely is not a comfortable situation. But Team Arkema Lalou Multi took the right course of action when Karine Fauconnier suffered an injury while training on the Multi 50. After setting off on a qualifying course despite being in pain, the skipper realized that she would not be able to take part in the Transat Jacques Vabre race under those conditions. “We’re very sorry about this situation as the Lalou and Karine pair had already put a lot into this. They were working very well, and now we have to start all over again. But this was the wisest and most reasonable decision when it comes to the health of a sailor and the performance of a boat”, explains Fabienne Baron-Roucayrol, team manager.

Once Karine Fauconnier had officially withdrawn from the race, there was no time to be wasted finding a replacement that would be able to fit in without delay to make up a new dream team and enable the Multi 50 Arkema to perform well in the Transat Jacques Vabre. Spaniard Alex Pella, who was up to this worthy challenge, was chosen. A highly experienced all-rounder, Alex has an impressive nautical CV and a superb record of achievements to his credit: three round-the-world races (one on a monohull, two on a multihull), joint holder of the Trophée Jules Verne with the IDEC Sport crew skippered by Francis Joyon, winner of the legendary Route du Rhum 2014 in Class40… “Alex is an excellent recruit, the best of the candidates given the very busy schedule”, continues Fabienne Baron-Roucayrol. “He’s a smart guy who is also approachable and friendly. We’re not too worried about things gelling with Lalou.” Despite her injury, Karine Fauconnier remains involved in the team with a key role as she will be looking after the routing and the weather strategy from land with Eric Mas.

Here are the reactions of the various protagonists following this change of co-skipper on the Multi 50 Arkema.

Karine Fauconnier, land-based routing manager: “My goal is for our team to win, with or without me on board…”
“I injured myself the day before we were due to set off on our qualifying course. Nevertheless we did set off for three days, and I was in pain despite pain relief medication. When we got back I took advice and decided with my physician’s and Lalou’s agreement to withdraw from the Jacques Vabre race. It’s a decision with heavy consequences. For me, as I’m putting my sailing career on the line. For Lalou and for Arkema who have placed their trust and confidence in me and have had to find a replacement at a time when our two-man crew was working so well.
I could of course still go, with shots of anti-inflammatory drugs, but then doing even more harm to my body and my health, but I have too much respect for the sea to tell myself that it can work like that and my ethics wouldn’t let me. You can’t win if you’re in pain. You tend to forget that these are competitive races and you’re racing extreme boats on seas that can be intimidating, and sailors have to remain humble. I also have respect for our competitors, and I may not be 100% fit physically, but they definitely will be.
My goal with this decision is also and above all for our team to win, with or without me on board. I’m delighted with the choice of new co-skipper: Alex Pella is a super guy, highly positive. As far as I’m concerned, I’ll do my utmost in other ways, I mean by helping the new twosome to perform by guiding them to keep on course and giving them advice from land. It’s a fine way to continue the story. I’m lucky to have had experience on the boat, to have won with it already, to know Lalou well and be familiar with this course which has no secret for me. So it’s now a threesome we’ll have to contend with.”

Lalou Roucayrol, skipper of the Multi50 Arkema: “Alex will soon get the hang of it!”
“We had got off to a good start. As a team, Karine and I complemented each other. We had trained well and had found our stride. After Karine got injured, we had to come up with an alternative solution. We selected various profiles, the aim being to stay focused on excellence. But there weren’t many sailors available by this time as most of them were already involved in the Transat Jacques Vabre or the Volvo Ocean Race (a round-the-world crewed race with stopovers (Editor’s note.)

Alex Pella’s name soon came up. I had met him on the Route du Rhum 2014 and I had got on with him straight away. Since then I have been following his achievements, and he was already on my short list of possible co-skippers before I selected Karine last winter. So we called him straight away and he was available! I like the man, he’s fun and friendly. Alex Pella is an international skipper with an eclectic profile. At sea he’s ruthless, very hard-working, He will go to any length and is very good at sailing and managing the boats. He’s a good all-rounder who sails a lot, on monohulls, on multihulls, on traditional boats… He’s not too familiar with the Multi 50, but I’m absolutely sure he will soon get the hang of it.
We have 80 days to sail together, get to know each other better, qualify, practise getting our bearings together, and sail the Multi 50 Arkema efficiently. I’m pleased that Karine is staying with us despite what’s happened. We have been working with her for the last two years and are happy with her work. Keeping her on the team will ease this stroke of bad luck.”

Alex Pella, new co-skipper of the Multi50 Arkema: “I’m going to give it my all!”
“When Lalou called me to ask me to join him in the Transat Jacques Vabre, I was both surprised and very honored. These offers don’t come up every day just a few months before the start of a race. I thought about it for a while as my schedule was very full already. But I freed up some time and agreed to take on the challenge. I’m happy on the water and I like meeting people. Sailing off on a new boat and with a new team is exciting.
Karine was very tied to the project, whereas it’s all new to me. I have yet to find out about the Multi 50, but this series has always appealed to me. I have been following the fate of Lalou and the Multi 50 Arkema for years. The Multi 50 are boats of a reasonable size, relatively straightforward, and no doubt a lot of fun, especially with the foils! I have sailed a lot on bigger multihulls in recent years: on the maxi trimaran IDEC Sport, on MOD 70, on the trimaran Prince de Bretagne… So I won’t be lost. Especially as I sail a lot. I’m always on the water.
I’m fit and in good shape and feel I’ll be able to get to grips with the boat in no time. The challenge is to catch up as quickly as possible to help Lalou run an excellent Transat Jacques Vabre race, if not win it. I’m certain we can achieve this. It’s a big challenge for me personally and from a sporting viewpoint. The competition is going to be tough and this is spurring me on even more. I’m going to give it my all!”